Job Seeker Registration Cambodia : National Employment Agency

Organization : National Employment Agency
Type of Facility : Job Seeker Registration
Country: Cambodia

Website :

Related : Ministry of Labour Technical & Vocational Education & Training Registration Cambodia :

Job Seeker Registration:

Do you want to get JOB?

Job seeker will be responsible for your information which is posted on National Employment Agency website.

If you want to post your Resume

Register Here :

Job Seeker Agreement:

1. In the porpose of referral job seeker profile to employers
2. This information is used in collecting and compiling to develop labour market informationJob Center:

Each of NEA’s job centre functions as a front office where a great deal of labour market information service is provided to its users who are mainly job seekers, employers and training providers. In this respect, each job centre plays a role as a hub of all market demand-and-supply information to the three main stakeholders. Notably, employers can use the job center(s) to carry out their interview with job applicants. Also, training providers can conduct their training sessions at any of the job centers.

Our Services:

NEA has been providing the three main stakeholders with a great deal of labour market information through two convenient options:
Online service at

Duties and Responsibilities :
Coordinate and organize to make possible employment and labour market information; and technical and vocational training services.

** Effectively provide information services to job seekers, employees, employers, training providers and general public in an open manner to bring together all relevant stakeholders through NEA`s publications and various programs.

** Study, research and develop labour market information system to proportionally suitthe current and future economic growth.
** Boost publications on employment, labour market information, technical skills and vocations via NTB`s website and other reliable methods.

** Cooperate, coordinate with ministries, institutions, development partners and civil society organizations who need labour forces, technical skills and vocations in order to propose feasible recommendations to NTB.

** Provide accurate labour market information data as a base to assist the government in managing human resource development plan and a working labour market, which is meant to contribute to achieving the strategic target in poverty reduction through education; technical and vocational training; job opportunity offers to the citizens.

Job Centers Service:
** Job net service
** Library service
** Advisory and labour market information service

Currently, NEA has Five (5) Job Centers:
Job Center in Phnom Penh:
Address:No3,Russian Federation Blvd, Toek Laak I, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
016 786 655 (Toll Free for ?15/016/081/087)
023 633 6002, 077 232 378, 016 786 655
jc_pp AT

Job Center in Battambang:
Address:Polytechnic Institute of Battambang Province (PIB) Prek Mohartep Village, Sangkat Svay Po, Battambang City, Battambang, Cambodia.
016 926 655 (Toll Free for ?15/016/081/087)
053 733 111
jc_battambang AT

Job Center in Siem Reap:
Address:Siem Reap Provincial Training Center Bunteaychas Village, Sangkat Slor krom, Siem Reap city.
016 536 655 (Toll Free for ?15/016/081/087)
063 210 277
jc_siemreap AT

Job Center in Kampot:
Address:Kampot Institute of Polytechnic 1 Ousakphea Village, Kampong Kandal Commune, Kampongbay Disctrict, Kampot Province.
016 506 655 (Toll Free for ?15/016/081/087)
033 210 277
jc_kampot AT

Job Center in Svayrieng:
Address:Technical Training Institute in Svayrieng, Mephleung Village, Svayrieng Commune, Svayrieng District, Svayrieng Province.
016 646 655(Toll Free for ?15/016/081/087)
044 715 277
jc_svayrieng AT

Categories: Cambodia

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