railway.gov.tw Online Tickets Booking : Taiwan Railways Administration

Organization : Taiwan Railways Administration
Type of Facility : Online Tickets Booking
Country: Taiwan

Website : https://www.railway.gov.tw/tra-tip-web/tip
Types of Tickets: https://www.railway.gov.tw/tra-tip-web/tip
Book Online : https://www.railway.gov.tw/tra-tip-web/tip

Railways Taiwan Booking and Collection Time

Same-day Tickets: The first to the last trains of that station.
Advance Tickets: 06:00-24:00, 12 days before the boarding date (inclusive).

Related : Railways Administration TR Pass/Taiwan Rail Card For Students : www.statusin.org/7446.html

Convenience Store Booking and Collection: 24 hours.
Post Office Collection: Subject to the business hours of the collection post office.

Ticket Booking and Collection:
Online System Opening Time: The system provides 24 hour service.
Period Open for Booking : 14 days prior to the date of departure (including the departure day) . For instance, for a ticket on Monday, booking is available on the Monday 2 weeks in advance.
Note: For tickets on Saturday or Sunday, booking is available on the Friday 2 weeks in advance.

Number of Tickets Open for Booking: Maximum of 6 tickets permitted for each booking(by passport), for round-trip tickets , a maximum of 12 tickets can be booked at a time.
Payments:For departure 2 days after booking, the payment should be made within 2 days of booking. For departure within 2 days of booking, the latest payment should be made 1 day(24 hours) prior to departure. For same-day booking, the payment should be made at least 30 minutes prior to departure.

Finding Ticket Prices:
Adult Fares:Please look up from Timetable
Child Fares: Children over 150cm should pay adult fares. Children under 115cm can travel free. Children between 115cm and 150cm should pay child fares, which are half of corresponding adult fares, and mantissa should be rounded up before charging. Children over 115cm but under 6 can travel free by showing valid identity documents. Children over 150cm but under 12 can pay child fares by showing valid identity documents. Please note that only two children travelling for free or travelling with a fare paying passenger may occupy a free seat. Other seat-occupying children must pay child fares.
Return Tickets: (The start and destination, route and train type of both journeys must be identical).
When buying single tickets without seating travelling for 81km or longer with Chu-Guang and Fu-Hsing express trains at staffed ticket offices, passengers can enjoy a 20% discount for adult fares.

Travelling without Tickets:
Passengers travelling without tickets should voluntarily pay fares to the conductor or inspector. These passengers should pay the fare from the start to the destination stations. Passengers travelling without tickets failing to pay fares voluntarily afterwards must pay the full fare plus 50% penalty. When the start and destination stations are uncertain, the fare is calculated from the first station of the route or from the station where the inspection takes place.

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Electronic Tickets:
TRA Multi-Card Electronic Ticketing Service Lines

North Section:
Pingxi Line: Sandiaoling Station, Dahua Station, Shifen Station, Wangu Station, Lingjiao Station, Pingxi Station, and Jingtong Station.
Neiwan Line: Hsinchu Station, North Hsinchu Station, Qianjia Station, Xinzhuang Station, Zhuzhong Station, Shangyuan Station, Ronghua Station, Zhudong Station, Hengshan Station, Jiuzantou Station, Hexing Station, Fugui Station, and Neiwan Station.
Liujia Line: Zhuzhong Station and Liujia Station

South Section:
Shalun Line: Zhongzhou Station, CJU Station, and Shalun Station

Accepted Electronic Tickets:
I Pass Card of Kaohsiung Metro, Easy Card, Far Eastern ETC Card, Taiwan Easy Go.
Helpline of respective e-ticket companies:
Taiwan Smart Card Corporation Customer Service:0800-088-566
EasyCard Corporation 24-hour Customer Service:412-8880(Please add prefix “02” for mobiles and in Kinmen and Mazu areas.)
Far Eastern ETC Corporation:02-77161998
Please do not use e-tickets across the north and south sections before full service begins.

Fare Calculation:
Only exact train fares will be deducted from the difference of the accepted e-tickets. Please see Buying Tickets (link to the Buying Tickets page) for details.

Instructions for Use:

Passengers can travel on the specified lines in different types of trains with the accepted e-tickets; except for the Formosa Express, Taroko Express, Puyuma Express, chartered trains, and other TRA-specified trains (chartered or without seats). Please note that no seat booking is available when travelling on limited expresses with these e-tickets.
As fares are charged like that of the ordinary trains, the Compensation for Train Delay Policy will not apply to passengers travelling on TRA with these e-tickets.

Topping Up e-Tickets:
Passengers can top up their e-tickets from counters with e-ticket service or the fare adjustment counter.
The minimum top-up amount of e-tickets is subject to the policy of respective e-ticket companies. However, NT$100 should be the basic increment. The total top-up amount shall not exceed NT$10,000 as prescribed by the Financial Supervisory Commission.
Matters nor provided herein shall be subject to related government laws and regulations and announcements posted in respective stations. Should you have any doubts, please contact TRA station staff.

Cancelling and Refunding Tickets:
Tickets of non-limited expresses: No service charge.
Tickets of limited expresses without seat booking: No service charge.
Tickets of limited expresses with seat booking: The service charge will be NT$13 each ticket, regardless of adult or child fares (charged for each journey, i.e. NT$26 for return tickets; and 10% of fares for each journey during the Spring Festival travel season, but not less than NT$13).
Passengers should apply for a refund of fares before train departure. Refunds requested after train departure will not be accepted. Passengers of return tickets may request a refund of fares for the return journey within a distance 80km from the departure station during the ticket is valid.
A passenger who found a lost ticket after paying fares under the travelling without tickets policy must pay the service charge at NT$13 for each journey to refund the additional fares. The ticket for the additional fares should be approved by the train conductor and refunded at specified stations.

2.Cancelling and Refunding Tickets on Typhoon Days (implemented as of 15 September 2013):
During the land typhoon warning period and until four hours after its cancellation, when train service is prevented or the scheduled train is unavailable, passengers may cancel the ticket and refund fares in accordance with the following procedures

From the date of announcement of the sea typhoon alert, passengers who have bought the tickets of trains running in that period may refund full fares from the staffed ticket office of any stations with their tickets without paying a handling charge. (The return journey fare will be 50% of the return ticket.) Instead of same day refund, passengers may refund fares within 15 days after the travel date.

Categories: Taiwan
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