customs.go.th : Gold Card Scheme Thailand

Organization : The Customs Department
Type of Facility : Gold Card Scheme
Country: Thailand

Website : http://www.customs.go.th/

Gold Card Scheme :

A Gold Card Scheme for importers/exporters is another measure to facilitate import and export procedures. In this connection, importers/exporters with good record and reliable background who meet the Customs established criteria are granted gold card status.

Related : Customs Department Tourist Refund Scheme Thailand : www.statusin.org/7515.html

Various privileges relating to processing Customs procedures are granted to the gold card importers/exporters.

Eligible Applicants:
** A legal person with a paid register capital of not less than 5 million baht
** Being import or export business for at least 3 years and processing Customs formalities via automated system
** Being a member of the Federation of Thai Industries, or the Board of Trade of Thailand, or the Thai Chamber of Commerce, or the Thai National Shipper’s Council or the organizations with similar appearance. These organizations must certify that the applicants have a reliable financial status
** No past record of any offence against the Customs and other related laws for 3 years from the date of filing an application

The minimum documents required to apply for a gold card imports/exporters are as listed below:
** A request form as indicated in the Customs Notification No 8/2542
** A letter issued by Ministry of Commerce certifying the registration of a legal person
** Certification of financial status from the indicated organizations as specified in the Customs Notification No 8/2542, item 1.4
** A certification letter of VAT registration (Por Por 20), a permit of factory operation (Ror Ngor 4), or certification letter from the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (Kor Nor Or 08)
** Financial statement for the past 3 years
** A copy of a manager’s identification card
** A list of stakeholders
** Volume of imports, exports and domestic sales
** Flowchart of raw material inventory and other related documents.

Eligible applicants who want to apply for gold card scheme submits an application form with supporting documents to the Customs Standard Procedures and Valuation Bureau. Those who are granted an authorized gold card member will receive a certificate form Thai Customs for further reference in the future transaction with Customs.

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Obligation Of The Authorized Gold Card Members:
The authorized gold card members are obligated to fully comply with the followings:
** Observe and follow present and the future Customs rules and regulations.
** Place a bond and security contract and deposit a bank guarantee or other forms of guarantee with Customs in the amount of not more than 2 million baht. However, an importer or exporter under the Gold Card Scheme who is also a member of the Customs Transparency Partnership Project, is allowed to deposit not more than 1 million baht-security.
** Keep the original Declaration including all relevant documents for at least 5 years
** Allowed a competent Customs officer to visit their premises or any other relevant places to examine the accounts, documents, evidences, and information in any form

Benefits Of The Authorized Gold Card Members:

(1) Importation:
** ** Processing import procedures via “Green Line”
** ** A manifest is written off after the clearance of goods
** ** The goods are exempted from examination unless it is a random examination

(2) Exportation:
** ** Processing export procedures via “Green Line”
** ** The goods are exempted from examination unless it is a random examination

(3) Drawback claims as well as tax and duty compensation claims are approved at the time of filing.
(4) Other future privileges as determined by the Director-General.

Revocation Of The Gold Card:
The authorized gold card status granted to importers and exporters may be revoked under the following circumstances:
** The decisively receiving order.
** They commit serious offences against the Customs and other related laws and regulations and a final judgment of the court disposing of the case is settled.
** Customs revokes the privileges.
** Do not meet the qualifications as indicated in the Customs Notification No.8/2542.

When the authorized gold card members are found committing a serious offence against Customs and related laws and regulations or intending to avoid the payment of applicable taxes and duties or intending to commit fraud under duty drawback or tax compensation schemes, Customs is liable to impose the most grievous penalties.

For further inquiry and information, you may contact the Customs Call Center at Tel. 1164 or the Customs Clinic at Tel. 02-667-7880-4, Fax. 02-667-7885, e-mail: customs_clinic@customs.go.th. Additional information may also be obtained from Customs ports of entry/exit. Please consult our telephone directory for a Customs office near you. The listing can be found under the “CONTACT US” section.

The information in this website is intended as a general guideline only and subject to changes without prior notice. It does not in any way replace or supersede Customs and related laws or regulations. Before relying on the information on the Website, users should independently verify its accuracy, completeness and relevance for their purposes.

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