UJ NSFAS Approved Students Lists/ Application Status 2019 South Africa : University of Johannesburg

Name of the Organization : University of Johannesburg
Type of Facility : NSFAS Approved Students Lists/ Application Status
Country : South Africa
Year : 2019
Website : https://www.uj.ac.za/Pages/default.aspx

UJ NSFAS Approved Students Lists/ Application Status

University of Johannesburg release the NSFAS Approved Students Lists for 2019 Feb. All First year students are required to complete a UJ Consent form before allowances are disbursed.

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VUT Admission/ Application Status, South Africa

Approved Students – 2019

 Student Number NSFAS 2019
200517134 NSFAS 19
200572017 NSFAS 19
200602868 NSFAS 19
200671781 NSFAS 19
200711816 NSFAS 19
200728427 NSFAS 19
200800871 NSFAS 19
200812202 NSFAS 19
200814068 NSFAS 19
200827532 NSFAS 19
200827877 NSFAS 19
200830033 NSFAS 19
200831617 NSFAS 19
200907263 NSFAS 19
200914031 NSFAS 19
200915829 NSFAS 19
200920361 NSFAS 19
200920839 NSFAS 19
200930432 NSFAS 19
200931429 NSFAS 19
200932195 NSFAS 19
200935451 NSFAS 19
200935680 NSFAS 19
200936246 NSFAS 19
200937830 NSFAS 19
200937884 NSFAS 19
201002933 NSFAS 19
201003871 NSFAS 19

Download Approved Student List For 2019 Feb

Approved Students – 2015

Student Number -Donor- Status- Reason
200505573 -DHET senior funding -Approved
200505667 -DHET senior funding- Approved
200515205 -DHET senior funding -Approved
200574605 -Final year funding -Approved
200574985 -Final year funding- Approved
200575738 -DHET 1st year -Not approved -Not academically admitted
200575936 -DHET senior funding -Not approved -No previous allocation
200576669 -DHET 1st year -Not approved -Not academically admitted
200577033 -DHET senior funding -Approved
200579476- DHET senior funding -Not approved -No previous allocation
200605978 -DHET senior funding -Not approved -No previous allocation
200609389 -Final year funding -Approved
200614531- DEPOST -Not approved -Incomplete postal application
200625025 -Final year funding -Not approved -No previous allocation
200673271- DHET 1st year -Not approved- Not academically admitted
200674232 -DHET senior funding -Not approved -No previous allocation
200675950 -DHET senior funding -Not approved- No previous application
200676308 -Final year funding -Not approved- No previous allocation
200677141 -Final year funding -Approved
200677360- Final year funding -Approved
200700334 -DHET 1st year -Not approved -Not academically admitted
200701162 -DHET senior funding -Not approved -No previous allocation
200702024 -DHET senior funding- Not approved -No previous allocation
200702208 -Final year funding- Approved
200711312 -DHET 1st year -Not approved -Not academically admitted
200711462 -DHET senior funding -Approved
200713467 -DHET 1st year -Not approved -Not academically admitted
200716651 -DHET senior funding -Not approved- No previous allocation
200718018 -DHET senior funding -Not approved -No previous allocation
200718386 -DHET senior funding -Not approved -No previous allocation
200720120 -DHET 1st year -Not approved- Not academically admitted
200720190 -DHET senior funding -Not approved -No previous allocation
200723790 -Final year funding -Approved
200724946 -Final year funding -Approved
200725399 -Final year funding -Approved
200728104 -DHET 1st year -Not approved – Not academically admitted

Related Post

Download Approved Student List For 2015


The University of Johannesburg offers a loan option for financially needy and academically deserving students. It is called a NSFAS loan, which is an acronym for the National Student Financial Aid Scheme. A NSFAS loan is an amount of money you borrow from NSFAS to cover the costs associated with your tertiary studies.

NSFAS is a statutory body, funded primarily by South Africa’s National Department of Education, providing study loans to academically able but financially needy students who wish to study at one of South Africa’s public higher education institutions.

The NSFAS student loan is for full-time undergraduate students with South African citizenship. A NSFAS loan may be used to pay tuition fees, books and University accommodation fees. Students must apply annually, prior to each year of study for a NSFAS student loa

Student Accommodation & Residence Life

Student Accommodation & Residence Life division is mainly responsible for the accommodation of approximately 19000 students in both university owned and managed residences as well as off-campus accredited privately owned accommodation.

This is a vast division with 35 residences spread over 4 campuses at the University of Johannesburg. It should further be noted that, the total number of 35 residences are inclusive of the 7 Day Houses.

Off-campus accommodation’s accredited properties are within 2 km of each campus and where they are beyond the prescribed radius, the set condition is that service providers are obliged to provide transport. Additionally, intercampus transportation is provided for all students residing in off-campus residences and houses. The university offers to all students, a list of accredited off-campus accommodation.

Categories: South Africa
Tags: uj.ac.za
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