e-zpassny.com Opening An Account : E-ZPass New York

Name of the Organization : E-ZPass New York
Type of Facility : Opening An Account
Location/ Country : New York, USA

Website : https://www.e-zpassny.com/en/home/index.shtml

Opening An Account :

E-ZPass® is an electronic toll collection system, which takes cash, coins and toll tickets out of the toll collection process.

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Instead, drivers establish an account, prepay tolls and attach a small electronic device to their vehicles. Tolls are automatically deducted from the prepaid account as an E-ZPass® customer passes through the toll lane

How do I sign up for E-ZPass®?:
Complete an application online, pick up an E-ZPass® On-the-Go tag at a retail location near you, or download an application and fax or mail it to the E-ZPass® NY Customer Service Center PO Box 149001, Staten Island, NY 10314-9001.

Do I have to set up a separate account for every car I own?:
No, each vehicle should be listed on your application. You may interchange your tag amongst your vehicles, provided they are the same vehicle class, or you may request a tag for each vehicle. Only 4 tags per account are allowed for individual accounts.

Do I have to open more than one account to use E-ZPass® at other toll facilities?:
No. Only one account is necessary to use E-ZPass® at participating facilities.

I don’t own a vehicle. Can I still get E-ZPass®?:
Yes. If you do not own a vehicle, you can still enroll in E-ZPass®. Your tag can be used in any vehicle with two axles, a maximum gross weight of 7,000 pounds and single rear tires (includes RV’s with dual rear tires). Please ensure that the E-ZPass® tag is mounted as per the tag installation instructions in all vehicles in which the tag will be used.

If you don’t own a vehicle and wish to open an E-ZPass® account on the E-ZPass® website, please contact the E-ZPass® Customer Service Center at 1-800-333-8655 for instructions.

Account Updates :
How do I login to update my account?:
Click My Account on the E-ZPass® New York web site. Enter your account number and password and click the Submit button.

Where can I find my account balance?:
Login to your account and go to Account Information.

How can I update my address and/or telephone number?:
Login to your account and go to Update Personal Information, Address

I am a Staten Island, Rockaway/Broad Channel, or Grand Island resident. How do I update my address?:
Submit your request in writing along with proof of the new address in the form of a driver’s license, vehicle registration, or utility bill showing the new address. Submit requests to E-ZPass® Customer Account Correspondence, PO Box 15187, Albany, NY 12212-5187.

How can I change my password?:
Login to your account and go to Update Personal Information, Password

I forgot my password. How can I get a reminder?:
Click on the Forgot Password link. A letter with a temporary password will be sent to you by email if your account has an email address, otherwise in the mail.

Once I stop commuting will my plan automatically be deleted?:
No. You must contact our customer service center via telephone, fax, or mail to delete your plan. You will be charged ‘unused commuter trip fees’ for each trip that was not used during the cycle when your plan was deleted.

Can I review my commuter plan activity?:
Yes. Login to your account and go to Account Information.

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