immigration.gov.tt Machine Readable Passport Trinidad & Tobago : Ministry of National Security

Name of the Organization : Ministry of National Security Immigration Division
Type of Facility : Machine Readable Passport
Country : Trinidad & Tobago

Website : https://nationalsecurity.gov.tt/immigration/

Machine Readable Passport :

Citizenship Original documentary evidence of your Trinidad and Tobago Citizenship must be submitted and will be returned to you upon delivery of the passport.

Related : Immigration Division Ministry of National Security Application For Resident Status Trinidad & Tobago : www.statusin.org/7670.html

If you were born in Trinidad and Tobago, you must provide the following documents:
** Birth Certificate-Computer generated with pin number.
** Trinidad and Tobago Identification Card and or previous passport.
** Affidavit(s) or deed poll(s) (where applicable).
** If you acquired citizenship of another country, you must produce the citizenship certificate of that country. The date of acquisition must be stated.
** Female applicants who are married must submit their marriage certificate(s). if married more than once, all original certificates including decree absolutes must be produced.

If you were born outside of Trinidad and Tobago and are a citizen by any of the following, you must submit:
** Descent-Birth Certificate, Valid form of identification (passport/driver’s license), proof of parents’ Trinidad and Tobago citizenship, their birth certificates, marriage certificates and passports, Trinidad and Tobago citizenship certificates.
** Registration-Certificate of Registration, Birth Certificate.
** Naturalization-Certificate of Naturalization, Birth Certificate.
** Adoption-Certificate of Adoption, Birth Certificate where possible.

Photocopies Of All Documents Must Accompany Originals, As Well As A Copy Of The Bio-Data Information Of The Most Recent Passport


The applicant must:
** Complete and sign the application form.
** Have the application form signed by an eligible recommender (See Section 4).
** Submit the most recently issued passport in which his/her name appears, even if expired.
** Ensure that the name entered on the application form is the name the applicant wishes to appear in the passport.
** Provide evidence of any change of name, other than by marriage, by submitting a Deed Poll.

If the information on the application form differs from the information on the documentary evidence produced, you may be required to submit a Sworn Declaration to clarify and differences.

The written authority of parent/legal guardian is required for applicants under the age of 18 years.

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Photograph Specifications:
Note: First-time applicants for the Machine readable Passport are not required to submit photographs. In all such cases there will be live image capture at the Immigration Office. For the issue of any subsequent Machine Readable Passport, you must submit two identical photographs which must meet the photograph specifications below

** Do not pin, staple or glue photographs to the application.
** Submit two (2) unmounted coloured photographs showing a full front view of applicant’s face with eyes open and without dark glasses, unless there is a physical disability. Headdress may be accepted only in keeping with religious customs or for medical reasons. In all cases, full facial features from bottom of chin to top of forehead must be clearly visible.
** Photographs should measure 31mm wide and 41mm high.
** Photographs must have been taken within the last 6 months.

Please Note: the above specifications are in keeping with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) guidelines. Any photographs that do not meet these specifications will be rejected.

Declaration of the Recommender:
The Recommender who countersigns the application must have known you personally for at least three (3) years and know you well enough to be confident that he statements you have made in the application are true.
The Recommender must not be an immediate relative of the applicant.

The Recommender must be a citizen of Trinidad and Tobago and be included in one of the following categories:
** Minister of Religion registered under law to perform marriages
** Managing Director, Director and Manager of Banks and Companies.
** Professionals (University Graduates). (State qualifications).
** Member of Parliament, Mayor, Borough or County Councillor.
** Notary Public/Justices of the Peace/Commissioner of Affidavits.
** Senior Public Servants (Range 30 and above).
** Police Officer (Corporal and above rank). (Include Regimental Number)
** Prison Officer II and above rank. (Include Regimental Number)
** Fire Sub-Officer and above rank. (Include Regimental Number)
** Member of Defence Force (Corporal/Leading Seaman and above rank). (Include Regimental Number).
** School Principal, Vice-Principal, Lecturer, Graduate Teacher (Teacher I and above rank).

The Recommender must endorse the official stamp of the Firm or Organization in the space provided in Section (4) of the application form.

If the Recommender is a retiree, his/her home address should be provided in Section (4) of the application form in lieu of address of firm/organization.

Pay the Applicable Fee:
Passport Application fee is payable only on approval of your application when all requirements are met.
Fees in Trinidad and Tobago
Fees are payable by Cash, or Bank Card (LINX)

Fees Abroad: –
Application Fees may vary according to the country where the Trinidad and Tobago foreign mission is located.

When you receive your passport, check the details for correctness and immediately report any discrepancies to the issuing office.

Categories: Trinidad & Tobago
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