rocip.gov.lc Business Name Registration Saint Lucia : Registry of Companies & Intellectual Property

Name of the Organization : Registry of Companies & Intellectual Property
Type of Facility : Business Name Registration
Country : Saint Lucia

Website : http://eregistry.rocip.gov.lc/

Business Name Registration :

A business name is a name under which business is conducted.

Related : Registry of Companies & Intellectual Property File Application Online & Check Status Saint Lucia : www.statusin.org/7693.html

Who can register a business name?:
Under the Registration of Business Names Act, a business name can be registered by:
(a) an individual
(b) a firm (2 or more individuals; or an individual and a company; or more than one individual and a company)
(c) a corporation

What is the difference between a company and a business name?:
A company, as said before, is a legal person, separate from its members. A business name is a name under which business is conducted. It is not recognized as having this legal status as that of a company.

A company has obligations under the Companies Act to file Annual Returns with the Registry of Companies by April 1 each year. However, a business name has no such obligations. There are several other documents which must be filed by a company which are not required by the proprietor(s) of a business name.

Documents Required for the Registration of Business Names:
** Name Search
** Application for Registration (Statement of Particulars)
** Statutory Declaration by Applicant

Procedure for Registration of Business Names:
Proposed name must first be approved by the Registrar
On approval the Application for Registration and Statutory Declaration must be submitted to the Registrar, along with the Approved Name Search form. A $2.50 stamp is required for the declaration.

Prescribed Fee : of $125.00 is to be paid to the Registrar.

Is there a time period within which to register a business?:
Under the Business Names Act you must register your business within 28 days after you commence operation. Therefore, it is always advisable to register your business first then commence operation.

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How much does it cost to register a business?:
The fee is $125.00 plus a $2.50 stamp duty.

After my business name is registered, is there anything else that I need to do?:
After you have registered your business, there may be some documents that you would have to file with the Registry. If there are any changes that occur in your business, for example, changes with the addresses of the business or of the proprietor(s); change in the names of the registered proprietors, you would have to file a Statement of Change of Particulars with the Registry indicating what the changes are.

Why should I use the OCRS? What is the benefit to me?
The OCRS allows you to conduct business with ROCIP online which will save you the time and hassle associated with having to visit the office several times. In addition, it will speed up the process of incorporating a company or registering a business.

Is the information submitted secure?
All information that you submit while completing your name search or applications are guaranteed 100% secure. ROCIP assures you that your information is private and will be kept safe.

Do I need a log on to use the OCRS?
If you are going to conduct a simple search to see of a company or business name is registered, you do not need to be a registered user. You simply log on to the website and conduct your search.

However, once you are going to commence a process of a name search for a company or business name or to submit an application for the same, you will need to register in order to use the service. You will need to go to the eServices tab which indicates that login is required.

Do I need to provide identification to the Registry of Companies?
You do not need to provide identification to incorporate a company.

If I submit my application online, do I still need to submit the documents by hand to the Registry?
At this stage, you will still need to submit your documents in paper at the Registry to fulfil the registration process. The online registration system is a means of speeding up the process of registration and to reduce the number of visits you have to make to the office.

What methods of payment do you accept?
Currently, payment of fees can only be made at the Companies Registry. An electronic system for payment is not yet in place. Until e-legislation enabling this is passed in St. Lucia ROCIP can only accept payment in the form of cash and cheques. Personal cheques are not accepted.

How long will it take me to register my business?
With the online registration system, we expect registration to be completed in a maximum of 3 days.

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