Online Enrollment New Zealand : University

Name of the Organization : Massey University
Type of Facility : Online Enrollment
Country : New Zealand

Website :

Enrolment at Massey University :

Step 1: Prepare your individual plan
Check your eligibility, course choice and study plan.

Related : University of Canterbury Apply For Special Admission New Zealand :

Step 2: Enrol online
Please select what type of student you are.
** New students
** New international students
** Returning students

Enrol Online :

Enrolment checklist:
To help plan your study and enrolment at Massey University, follow the steps in this checklist. If you need any assistance please contact us.

Step 1: Check whether you are eligible to study at Massey
See our entrance requirements to determine whether you are eligible to enrol.

Step 2: Choose your course
Massey University offers a wide range of study courses. To get Information about the courses we offer see the Courses web pages or order a prospectus.

Step 3: Review the course structure and select your papers
Each course has its own structure which is explained in the Courses web pages. When you select your papers you need to ensure that you fulfil all of your course requirements to be able to graduate. For an example of course requirements see the link below. General planning information is also included on the Courses web pages.

The course of study you design will be checked by academic staff for approval during the enrolment process. If you need further help with planning your programme contact the programme coordinators listed in the Courses web pages or contact us.

Step 4: Check for clashes
Check that there are no lecture or exam clashes for your papers. For lecture, lab and tutorial times see the Timetable web pages. For exam dates see the Courses web pages.

Step 5: Check your workload
Internal (on-campus) students:
For full-time students, the recommended maximum number of credits in Semester One and Semester Two is 60 credits per semester. So for first year (100-level) papers this means a maximum of four papers each semester. You can apply to study 75 credits per semester, but approval will depend on your past academic performance. For all students, the maximum number of credits for Summer School is 60.

Part-time students should enrol for fewer credits per semester. A 15 credit paper typically requires 10 hours of study per week, so you need to make a realistic assessment of how many hours you have available for study when you plan your papers.

Distance students:
For distance students the number of papers you can take depends on your other commitments. You will need to spend approximately 10 to 12.5 hours each week for a 15 credit single semester paper, or about 5 to 6.25 hours per week for a 15 credit double semester paper. If you are working full time (or have a young family that you look after full time), we recommend that you take no more than 30 credits (two papers) in a semester.

Step 6: Check out the important enrolment dates and programmes with selected entry processes
The next step is to make sure you know the deadlines so you don’t miss out. Note that there are some degrees with special selected entry process whose applications need to be filled out early.

Step 7: Enrol
All domestic students and returning international students should enrol online using MyEnrolment. New international students need to complete the enrolment forms available on the International students web pages.

Contact Massey University:
Telephone : 0800 Massey (0800 627 739)
Telephone (from outside NZ) : +64 6 350 5701
Facsimile : +64 6 350 5618
Email : contact AT

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