otago.ac.nz New Staff ID Card New Zealand : University

Name of the Organization : University of Otago
Type of Facility : New Staff ID Card
Country : New Zealand

Website : http://www.otago.ac.nz/studentservices/otherservices/otago020940.html

New Staff ID Card :

All full-time staff are expected to obtain an ID Card.

Related : University of Otago Student ID Card New Zealand : www.statusin.org/7737.html

There are 2 types of Staff Card:
“Staff Card ” entitlement is defined as a person who is employed for 18.75 hours or more per week and has a contract of employment with the University of 10 months or longer.

Part Time or Casual Employees who require an ID Card and who fall outside the 18.75 hours per week /contract of employment with the University of 10 months or more can be issued an “Honorary” Staff ID Card once their department has requested an external username which can be requested via ITS.

These cards require annual authorisation by an HOD or appropriately delegated authority to have the cards renewed (for situations where the employee returns to another contract the following year).

All ID cards contain a chip and antenna that is currently used for door access. Please do not punch holes in your card as you may damage the chip & antenna.

New Staff:
This page contains information for all new staff about how to get an ID card.

Related Post

You should read the information at this link to determine what sort of ID Card you are entitled to.

Why you need a staff ID card:
All full time staff are expected to obtain an ID card which is needed to:
** Provide identification that you are a staff member
** Allow use of the University Libraries
** Provide after hours access to University buildings and rooms within those buildings, which your department will need to arrange with the appropriate staff on your campus
** Access to some other services eg printing/copying

Administration of the cards is the responsibility of the office of the Director of Student Services, the card sponsor.

What needs to happen before you can obtain an ID card:
** Your department ensures Human Resources has all the required information, such as IRD Number, date of birth and bank account details
** A Payroll number is generated
** The ID Card Office is sent the necessary data to produce your card

Picking up your ID card (Dunedin campus staff only):
Wait 48 hours:
Please allow up to 48 hours for the transfer of data to the ID Card Office before visiting the Office.

Take another form of ID:
When you pick it up remember to take appropriate ID.

Sign the record card:
You will be asked to sign a record card with the following statement, as the card is the property of the University of Otago:
** I give my permission for the University of Otago to use this photographic likeness of me for official University record keeping and administrative purposes only;
** I agree that my University ID card is for my personal use only and I will not allow anyone else to use it;
** I agree to report any loss of my card to the Proctor’s Office (Campus Watch) as soon as possible after I become aware it is lost;
** I acknowledge that I am bound by the University’s policy on ID cards as updated from time to time.
** University of Otago ID Card Policy

Contact details for ID Card Office:
Email Address: idcard.officer@otago.ac.nz
ID Cards (479) 5330

Categories: New Zealand
Tags: otago.ac.nz
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