philippineconsulate.ie NBI Clearance Ireland : Philippine Consulate in Dublin

Name of the Organization : Philippine Consulate in Dublin
Type of Facility : NBI Clearance
Location/Country : Ireland

Website : https://philippineconsulate.ie/

NBI Clearance :

The Philippine Consulate in Dublin wishes to inform concerned applicants that the matter of issuance of the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) Clearance Certificate rests in this Agency and NOT with the Philippine Consulate in Dublin.

Related : Embassy of Ireland Great Britain DFA Irish Passport Application Status Track Online : www.statusin.org/761.html

However, the Fingerprint Card (NBI Form No. 5) may be obtained from the Consulate during regular Consulate by post or in person by appointment. For this purpose, just send a letter of request and an A4 self-addressed envelope.

In accomplishing this form, the Consulate wishes to reiterate the compliance with the following NBI requirements by applicants:
1. Fingerprint Card (NBI Form No. 5) – to be filled in on both sides of the card truthfully and legibly;

2. Fingerprints impressed ROLLED IMPRESSION to be taken by an officer of the Philippine Consulate in Dublin (Fee of €22.50) OR a member of an Garda Siochana your local Garda station (Fee of €65.00), on the appropriate spaces. The person who took the applicant’s fingerprint impressions should sign his/her name and state his official designation on the space provided for the card. Please see the sample at the bottom of this page.

To book an appointment for NBI fingerprint impression to be taken by Philippine Consulate in Dublin please email your request to nbi@PhilippineConsulate.ie or fill in the NBI appointment request form below. Please note that applicant having fingerprint impressions taken in the Consulate will need to bring a valid identification (Passport or drivers licence) and a registered stamped addressed envelope for the return of the NBI Form once it has been signed by the Consul.

Please note there is no walk in service for NBI fingerprint impression taking and appointments must be booked in advance.

In case, a Garda has taken your fingerprints, please have his/her full name, Garda Reg. No., Station and and Designation on “SUNDRY INFORMATION”, with the official seal of the Garda station stamped on.??

3. In case the applicant is a married woman, the order of writing is as follows:
a) Your maiden name (family or surname of your father);
b) Your first name or given name;
c) Your maternal surname (maiden surname of your mother); and
d) Your husband’s surname or family name (space provided, No. 2);

4. Attach a latest copy of your 2×2 photograph (white background), taken within three (3) months before this application, at the appropriate box in the fingerprint card form.

5. Upon completion of the aforementioned requirements, the applicant should send it to the Philippine National Bureau of Investigation at: NBI Building, Taft Avenue, Manila, Philippines. NBI’s Tel.No. is (632) 532 8231 to 38. The applicant should also enclose in International Check/Money Order the sum of USD4.00 or Php200.00 payable to the Director, National Bureau of Investigation. The certificate will be sent back to the applicant after it was processed.

Upon receipt of clearance, the applicant should examine it for presence of embossed NBI DRY SEAL at its lower left portion. Without it, the clearance is not valid.

6. The NBI or authorised representative will mail back to the applicant the corresponding Clearance Certificate after it has processed his/her application papers.

7. Upon receipt of the Clearance Certificate, please examine it for the presence of the embossed NBI DRY SEAL at its lower left portion as the clearance is invalid without it.

(The information in section 5. above is correct as of March 2014 however it is the applicants resposibility to update themselves on the current information from the NBI)

Contact Information:
Address: 39, Fitzwilliam Street Upper, Dublin 2
Operating Hours: 10:30am – 12:00pm,
Monday & Wednesday, except Philippine and Irish holidays
Appointment Only

NBI Clearance: NBI@PhilippineConsulate.ie

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