e-register.am : Company Search & Track Application Status Online Armenia

Name of the Organization : Government of the Republic of Armenia
Type of Facility : Register Company & Track Status Online
Country : Armenia

Website : https://www.e-register.am/en/

Electronic Register :

We welcome you at the electronic system of the State Register of the Legal Entities of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia.

Related : Armenia Tax Service Taxpayer Search System : www.statusin.org/30323.html

Deployment of the system is aimed at improving the business environment, decreasing duration of registration and through application of One Stop Shop principle ensure registration of legal entities and sole proprietors during only one visit. By deployment of electronic system and administrative reforms we are now able to register Limited liability companies in 20 and Sole Proprietors in 10 minutes.

Here you can submit on line applications for registration of legal entities, track your applications and search existing companies and purchase full information about any company. In order to use the system you will need to register. Please click here and follow on screen instructions to complete the registration process.

Register :
In order to use the system you need to register. Registration does not imply any legal obligations and is used solely for ensuring a secure operation of the system.Valid email address and password is required for registration. An email with activation link will be sent to provided email address after registration. Follow that link to activate Your account.

Register Here : https://www.e-register.am/en/register

Sign in:
Please enter email and password provided during registration.

Sign In Here : https://www.e-register.am/en/signin

Search section:
This section is designed for searching company information. For detailed information about paid and free information on legal entities please refer to Guides section.

By legal entity data search is performed by state registration, certificate and tax identification numbers and a unique company identification code.

By founder data search is performed by name and last name, passport number or social security card number if founder is an Armenian citizen.

Search Here : https://www.e-register.am/en/search

At present search is perfromed only in Armenian language. Charters of companies registered before April 2011 are not available electronically.

Categories: Armenia
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