Public Services Development Agency : Name Surname Change Registration Georgia

Name of the Organization : Public Service Development Agency
Type of Facility : Name Surname Change Registration
Country : Georgia

Website : https://sda.gov.ge/

Name Surname Change Registration :

A citizen of Georgia, also, a stateless person in Georgia, whose birth is registered in Georgia, has the right to change his/her name or/and surname.

Related : Public Services Development Agency Birth Registration Georgia : www.statusin.org/7840.html

The change in name or/and surname will entail the change in a person’s data (name or/and surname) whereas a personal number awarded to him/her at the time of birth registration will remain unchanged.

To register change of name or/and surname, pelase, apply to any branch of the Public Service Development Agency or Public Service Hall.

Documents To Be Submitted Along With Application To Register Change Of Name Or/And Surnmane :
** Identity document of an applicant;
** Birth certificate of an applicant;
** Marriage certificate of an applicant, if applicant is married;
** Birth certificates of minor children of an applicant if he/she has minor children;
** Written consent of a parent (parents) or other legal representative to applicant changing a name or/and surname, if an applicant is a minor aged between 16 and 18;
** Consent of a minor having reached the age of 10 on changing his/her name or/and surname;
** Document confirming a ground of change of name or/and surname.

If the change of name or/and surname is registered by authorized representative, additional documents to be submitted are:
** Power of attorney (duly certified);
** Identity document of representative.

Terms And Fees :
Term -Fee
On the 45th calendar day -55 GEL
On the 30th calendar day-155 GEL
On the 15th calendar day-225 GEL
On the 10th calendar day-355 GEL

The following categories are exempt from fees:
** Internally displaced persons, refugees:
** Students, having obtained an electronic ID card (residence card) with the inscription “student”, -are eligible to a 10 percent discount

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Distance Services :
** Distance services provide online service to citizens of Georgia being abroad. This service allows receiving needed service without leaving home.

Citizens may fill out applications through the webpage of the Public Service Development Agency. This procedure requires the identification of a citizen by a video call via Skype (Skype: sda.ge).

** A distance service department of the Public Service Development Agency works 24 hours a day and a citizen may contact it at any time.

Online Service Allows Receiving Various Services :
** Passport of a person of full legal age;
** Passport of a minor;

** Certificates of registration of civil acts (apostil/legalization);
** A certificate of no impediment to marriage (apostil/legalization);
** Consular registration;
** Granting a status of compatriot;
** Document of compatriot;

** Power of attorney, consent – regarding issues falling within the competence of the Public Service Development Agency and Public Service Hall;
** Granting citizenship of Georgia;
** Renunciation of citizenship of Georgia;
** Document about number of people residing on a concrete address;
** Information card;
** Status neutral ID card/ status neutral travel document.

Mail Service :
** A distance service department of the Public Service Development Agency offers a mail service to citizens of Georgia living abroad, thus enabling citizens to receive service without leaving home.

A citizen can choose a form of delivery of document :
** Delivery of prepared document by mail;
** Delivery of prepared document to proxy who has been named;
** Mail service is carried out by means of two forwarding companies (DHL, TNT)

Payment Of Fee Of Distance Service :
Fee of service provided by the distance service department may be paid by plastic cards from any place of the world when filling out electronic applications.

This electronic payment system is absolutely safe. To pay service fee, an applicant must have international VISA or MASTERCARD cards.

Tags: sda.gov.ge
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