Public Services Development Agency : Citizenship of Georgia

Name of the Organization : Public Service Development Agency
Type of Facility : Citizenship of Georgia
Country : Georgia

Website : https://sda.gov.ge/

Citizenship of Georgia :

Seekers of Georgian citizenship may fill out an established form on behalf of President of Georgia and submit it to any branch of the Public Service Development Agency or Public Service Halls either personally or by proxy, while if a seeker is a minor or incapable person, by their legal representative.

Related : Public Services Development Agency Name Surname Change Registration Georgia : www.statusin.org/7842.html

A person residing outside Georgia may apply to a relevant diplomatic representation, consular agency of Georgia. An application may also be submitted through the online service.

Establishing Citizenship Of Gerogia:
a) You will be regarded as a Georgian citizen if you have permanently resided in Georgia for at least five years, were in the territory of Georgia by 27 March 1993 (27 March 1993 is the date of enacting the Organic Law of Georgia On Citizenship of Georgia), and within six months of this date did not refuse Georgian citizenship in writing.

Documents To Be Submitted:
1. A document, certifying a permanent residence of person in Georgia for at least five years: a copy of passport, military service card, employment history card, or a certificate from the place of employment, any other document certifying the legal fact;
2. A document certifying the fact of residing in Georgia by 27 March 1993: copy of passport, military service card, employment history card, or a certificate from the place of employment, or any other document certifying the legal fact;
3. A photo, size 3×4.

b) You will be regarded as a Georgian citizen if you were born in Georgia, left the territory of Georgia after 21 December 1991 and have not obtained a citizenship of another country.

Documents To Be Submitted:
1. A copy of the document, certifying the birth in Georgia;
2. A document certifying the fact of residing in Georgia before 21 December 1991: copy of passport, military service card, employment history card or any other document certifying the legal;

3. In case of a reasonable doubt about an applicant having obtained a citizenship of another country, a certificate on the absence of citizenship issued by competent bodies of a corresponding country. This requirement is not obligatory in regard to those countries which do not issue similar certificates. However, if the acquisition of citizenship of another country is revealed, an applicant will lose Georgian citizenship;

4. A photo, size 3×4.

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Acquiring Citizenship Of Georgia :
You are eligible to acquire Georgian citizenship if you:
** Have reached a full legal age and have permanently resided in the territory of Georgia during the preceding five years;
** Know the state language, history of Georgia and basic principles of legislation within the established limits;
** Have permanent employment, real estate in Georgia or undertake an entrepreneurial activity in the territory of Georgia or have share in capital or stocks in a Georgian enterprise.

Documents To Be Submitted:
1. Personal application for the acquisition of Georgian citizenship;
2. A copy of birth certificate (if you have this document);
3. A copy of document certifying your residence in Georgia during the last five years (a document certifying identity or registration);
4. A document certifying a permanent employment, real estate in Georgia, entrepreneurial activity in the territory of Georgia, share in capital or stocks in a Georgian enterprise ;
5. Two photos, size 3×4.

You may acquire citizenship of Georgia if you:
** Are married to a citizen of Georgia and have lived with him/her in the territory of Georgia during preceding two years;
** Know the state language, history of Georgia and basic principles of legislation within the established limits.

Documents To Be Submitted:
1. Personal application for the acquisition of Georgian citizenship;
2. A copy of birth certificate (if you have this document);
3. A copy of document certifying marriage with a citizen of Georgia (marriage certificate or a court decision on the acknowledgment of a respective legal fact);
4. A copy of the document certifying citizenship of Georgia of the spouse;
5. A document certifying your residence together with the spouse in the territory of Georgia during the preceding two years (a certificate from the territorial office);
6. Two photos, size 3×4.

Special Condition For Acquisition Of Georgian Citizenship :
The President of Georgia has the right to grant you a citizenship of Georgia regardless of the above listed criteria for your outstanding contribution to Georgia or mankind by your scientific or public activities; also if you have a profession or qualification which are of interest to the state, or if your acquisition of Georgian citizenship is in state interests.

Documents To Be Submitted:
1. Personal application on acquisition of Georgian citizenship;
2. A copy of birth certificate (if you were born abroad and have this document);
3. Two photos, size 3X4;

A copy of one of the following documents:
** Diploma
** Scientific degree
** Military rank
** Qualification
** Membership of international organization
** Investment
** Award
** Bonus
** Document certifying copyright

A solicitation of political party, central or local self-government bodies and managers of legal persons or other appropriate document.

An application on the acquisition of citizenship of Georgia by underage and incapable persons, submitted by their legal representative shall be enclosed with consent of a minor between 14 and 18 years of age, certified by a public notary, or a written consent drawn up in the presence of an authorized official of the agency receiving this application.

An application of a parent concerning the acquisition of citizenship of Georgia by a minor shall be enclosed with consent of another parent, certified by a public notary, or a written consent drawn up in the presence of an authorized official of the agency receiving the application.

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