Divorce Registration Georgia : Public Services Development Agency

Name of the Organization : Public Service Development Agency
Type of Facility : Divorce Registration
Country : Georgia

Website : https://sda.gov.ge/

Divorce Registration :

Divorce is a ground of termination of marriage between spouses.

Related : Public Services Development Agency Citizenship of Georgia : www.statusin.org/7844.html

To register divorce, please, apply to any branch of the Public Service Development Agency or Public Service Hall.

Divorce Is Registered :
1. On the basis of joint application of spouses desiring to divorce;

2. On the basis of application of one of spouses if:
a) There is a court decision on divorce;
b) Court has declared another spouse as being missing;
c) Court has declared another spouse as being incapable;
d) Another spouse has been convicted for a crime and sentenced to at least three years in prison.

If Divorce Is Registered By A Representative, Documents To Be Additionally Submitted Are:
** Power of attorney (duly certified);
** Identity document of representative (ID card of citizen or passport).

Documents To Be Submitted To Register Divorce On A Basis Of Joint Application Of Spouses:
** Joint written application of spouses
** Identity documents of both spouses
** Marriage certificate

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Terms And Fees :
** Divorce is registered upon the expiry of five business days of submission of application;
** Fee of divorce registration and issuance of corresponding certificate is 45 GEL.

Documents To Be Submitted To Divorce A Spouse Who Has Been Declared Missing Or Incapable:
** Written application;
** Identity document (ID card of citizen or passport);
** Wedding certificate;
** An enacted court decision on recognizing a spouse as being missing or incapable.

Terms And Fees:
** If a guardian of a spouse recognized as being incapable is in Georgia, the term of registration is up to one month;
** If a guardian of a spouse recognized as being incapable is outside Georgia, the term of registration must not exceed six months;
** Fee of divorce registration and issuance of corresponding certificate is 45 GEL.

Documents To Be Submitted To Divorce A Spouse, Who Is A Convict (Serving A Sentence Of At Least Three Years In Prison):
** Written application;
** Identity document (ID card of citizen or passport);
** Wedding certificate;
** A copy of enacted court decision (excerpt) on sentencing a spouse to at least three years in prison.

Terms And Fees :
** If a convict serves his/her sentence in Georgia, the term of registration is up to one month;
** If a convict serves his/her sentence outside Georgia, the term of divorce registration is up to six months;
** Fee of divorce registration and issuance of corresponding certificate is 45 GEL

Documents To Be Submitted To Divorce A Spouse On A Basis Of Court Decision:
** Written application;
** Identity document (ID card of citizen or passport);
** Wedding certificate;
** Rnacted court decision on divorce.

Terms And Fees :
** Divorce is registered upon the expiry of five business days of submission of application;
** Fee of divorce registration and issuance of corresponding certificate is 45 GEL.

Following categories are exempt from service fee:
** Internally displaced persons, refugees;
** Students, having obtained an electronic ID card (residence card) with the inscription “student”, are eligible to a 10 percent discount.

Tags: sda.gov.ge
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