Public Services Development Agency : New Residence Card Georgia

Name of the Organization : Public Service Development Agency
Type of Facility : New Residence Card
Country : Georgia

Website : https://sda.gov.ge/

New Residence Card :

A new residence card has been issued in Georgia since 1 August 2011. A residence card is a main document certifying citizenship and identity of a person.

Related : Public Services Development Agency Marriage Registration Georgia : www.statusin.org/7846.html

A new residence card is the highest technology and counterfeit-protected identification document. It has an embedded microchip which apart from address contains the same personal information as legible on the old residence card.

Issuance Of Residence Card:
Any foreigner who has been granted a residence permit, also, a refugee and a person holding a humanitarian status shall obtain a residence card regardless of their age.

To obtain a new residence card, please, apply to a corresponding branch of the Public Service Development Agency or Public Service Hall.

If along with obtaining a residence card you need to be registered at your living address, please, apply to that territorial branch of the Public Service Development Agency or Public Service Hall which serves the area of your domicile.

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Types Of Residence Card :
There are two types of residence cards: permanent and temporary:
** A temporary residence card is issued to a person holding a temporary residence permit, also to a refugee and a person holding a humanitarian status.
** A permanent residence card is issued to persons whom the Agency, based on its opinion, granted permanent residence permits.

Permanent Residence Card:
The following documents must be submitted to obtain a permanent residence card for the first time:
** The Agency’s opinion on granting a permanent residence permit or/and status of a stateless person
** Two photos (photo can be taken at branches of the Public Service Development Agency or Public Service Hall. Price 3 GEL)
** Ground of registration (a minor under 16 years of age is registration together with parents, guardian, carer or other legal representative. In this case a ground of registration is not required)
** Identity document (ID card of foreign citizens; birth certificate, et cetera)
** Receipt of payment of service fee.

Replacement Of Card :
The following documents must be submitted to replace a card or obtain a new card:
1. Permanent residence card which is to be replaced
2. Two photos (photo can be taken at branches of the Public Service Development Agency or Public Service Hall. Price 3 GEL)
3. Receipt of payment of service fee
4. Ground of replacement of card.

Grounds Of Replacement Of Card :
** Change of domicile (except in cases when a person holds a new ID (residence) card);
** Expiry of term;
** Change of name or surname;
** Inaccuracy in the data;
** Worthless for use (because of being worn out, damaged or lost)

Temporary Residence Card:
A person with temporary residence permit is registered on the basis of personal application

The following documents must be submitted to obtain a temporary residence card for the first time:
1. The Agency’s opinion on granting a temporary residence permit or status of a stateless person or/and opinion of the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Accommodation and Refugees of Georgia on granting refugee or/and a humanitarian status;
2. Two photos (photo can be taken at branches of the Public Service Development Agency or Public Service Hall. Price 3 GEL)
3. Identity document of foreign citizen;
4. Birth certificate (in case of a minor) ,

Note: Persons with refugee and humanitarian status do not undertake registration.

Grounds Of Cancelling Residence Card:
A residence card is cancelled:
** Within a year after the term of issuance of document expires, if during that period of time a holder does not take it out
** If the Agency learns about a ground of cancellation of card (expiry of term; change of name/surname; damage; or inaccuracy in the data)
** If after the issuance of a card it transpired that a person submitted a forged document
** If residence permit has been terminated
** If a refugee/humanitarian status ahs been terminated (on a temporary residence card)
** If data has been changed in case of child adoption
** If data has been changed in case of establishing paternity

Categories: Georgia
Tags: sda.gov.ge
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