kba.de Driver Fitness Assessment System Germany : Federal Motor Transport Authority

Name of the Organization : Federal Motor Transport Authority
Type of Facility : Driver Fitness Assessment System
Country : Germany

Website : https://www.kba.de/DE/Home/home_node.html?__lang=en

Driver Fitness Assessment System :

Penalty points are allocated to all legally binding decisions recorded in the Register of Driver Fitness

Related : Berlin Federal Ministry of Transport & digital Infrastructure New Driver Fitness Assessment System Germany : www.statusin.org/11904.html

** Concerning administrative offences if they are listed in Annex 13 to Section 40 Fahrerlaubnis-Verordnung (FeV) (only in German) and if a minimum fine of EUR 60.00 was fixed or a driving ban was imposed;
** Concerning criminal offences listed in Annex 13 to Section 40 FeV (only in German).

These are offences which affect the road safety.

The road traffic offences recorded in the Register of Driver Fitness are evaluated according to the Driver Fitness Assessment System and are allocated up to three penalty points.

Three penalty points are allocated for criminal offences where the driving licence is withdrawn or a separated driving ban is imposed and which are listed in Annex 13 to Section 40 FeV. Two penalty points are allocated for the other criminal offences listed in Annex 13.

The administrative offences referred to as having a particular adverse effect on road safety in Annex 13 to Section 40 FeV are evaluated with two penalty points. One penalty point is allocated to administrative offences which are listed as affecting road safety.

By applying a national catalogue of measures and/or penalty points, the Driver Fitness Assessment System ensures equal treatment of all persons who have committed offences in road traffic. It gives each citizen the opportunity to constantly monitor themself the extent of their personal misconduct and to correct it in good time.

By way of the voluntary participation in a road fitness seminar, the road user who has committed offences in road traffic can avoid that they reach eight penalty points and that their licence is withdrawn. The seminar helps the person affected to realise and remedy their deficiencies in their attitude to road traffic. Thus, the driver fitness assessment system constitutes an important instrument to improve road safety.

Penalty points and their consequences:
The Register of Driver Fitness and the Driver Fitness Assessment System are important instruments to protect the general public from unqualified drivers. The recording of information in the Register of Driver Fitness is a warning and should be taken as an opportunity to review and improve the personal behaviour.

When a certain number of penalty points is reached, the Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt notifies the responsible local road traffic authority of the penalty point count of the road user concerned.

Measures taken by the local road traffic authority:
4 or 5 penalty points:
Caution and information about the possibility of participating in a road fitness seminar on a voluntary basis.

6 or 7 penalty points:
Written warning and information about the possibility of participating in a road fitness seminar on a voluntary basis. Furthermore, it is pointed out that no penalty points are deducted in this case and that the driving licence will be withdrawn once eight penalty points are reached.

8 or more penalty points:
Withdrawal of the driving licence.

The law governing driving licences falls within the area of competence of the individual Bundesländer (German Federal States). If you have any driving licence-related questions, please contact the local road traffic authority (driving licence authority) that will be happy to help.

Register of Driver Fitness:
Road users who have committed offences in road traffic are recorded in the Register of Driver Fitness to the extent that the committed offence shall be penalised with penalty points according to the Driver Fitness Assessment System

Only authorised bodies and the person affected are provided with information from this Register.

Decisions on actions regarding the driving licence are not taken by the Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (KBA) but by the respective competent driving licence authority.

The following decisions are recorded in the Register of Driver Fitness:
** Decisions made by the driving licence authorities concerning the withdrawal, refusal or newly grant of driving licences as well as decisions concerning measures provided for by the Driver Fitness Assessment System,

** Legally binding decisions concerning administrative offences if they are listed in Annex 13 to Section 40 Fahrerlaubnis-Verordnung (FeV) [Driving Licence Regulations] (only in German) and if a minimum fine of EUR 60.00 was fixed or a driving ban was imposed,
** Legally binding decisions of criminal courts concerning criminal offences listed in Annex 13 to Section 40 FeV (only in German).

The decisions recorded in the Register of Driver Fitness are evaluated depending on kind and severity of the road traffic offence and are allocated up to three penalty points and are deleted after certain periods of time. When a certain number of penalty points is reached according to the Driver Fitness Assessment System the Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt notifies the responsible local road traffic authority of the penalty point count of the concerned person.

Not every offence results in an entry in the Register of Driver Fitness. Only those road traffic offences are recorded in the Register of Driver Fitness which affect the road safety.

Categories: Germany
Tags: kba.de
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