mfa.gr Documents Translation Service Greece : Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Name of the Organization : Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Type of Facility : Documents Translation Service
Country : Greece

Website : http://www.mfa.gr/en/citizen-services/translation-service/translation-service.html

Documents Translation Service :

The task of the Translation Service is to validly translate public and private documents.

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Foreign public documents are only translated if such documents bear the Apostille stamp for countries that are parties to the Hague Convention, ratified by Greece by Law 1497/1984 (Government Gazette 188A).

In all other cases, documents must be validated by the Greek consular authority in the country of origin of the document or by such country’s consular authority in Greece and then by the Validation Department of the Service Center for Citizens and Greeks Living Abroad (KEPPA) established within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Validation Office established within the Thessaloniki International Relations Service (Y.DI.S) (Dioikitirio) (for validation of the signature of accredited personnel of foreign Diplomatic and Consular Authorities in Greece).

As regards documents issued by Albania, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Peru and Uzbekistan, countries for which Greece has expressed reservations in connection with their accession to the Hague Convention and for as long such reservations are still valid, documents can only be validated by the competent Greek Consular Authority. For states that are not parties to the Hague Convention, validation by a Greek Consular Authority is also required.

If the document is from a foreign Diplomatic or Consular Authority in Greece, it needs to be validated by the Validation Department of the Greek Foreign Ministry’s Service Center for Citizens and Greeks Living Abroad (KEPPA) in Athens, or the Validation Office established at the International Relations Service (Y.DI.S) in Thessaloniki, except in cases where the document is exempt from validation obligations due to bilateral or multilateral agreements to which Greece is a party (e.g., London Convention).

As regards Greek public documents to be submitted to foreign authorities, it is necessary that such documents be originals or certified copies. The issuing Authority should inform persons concerned, on the basis of the applicable circulars of the Ministry of Interior, on the legal validation procedure to be followed depending on the country of final destination. In all cases, responsibility for proper validation of Greek documents that are to be sent abroad rests solely with the person requesting a translation.

More particularly, if the Greek public document is to be submitted to a country party to the Hague Convention, such document must be validated by Apostille; if the country of final destination is not party to the Hague Convention (or in case Greece has expressed reservations in connection with this country), such document must be validated by the competent Greek Public Authority (authenticity of the signature of the competent officer) and then by the Validation Department of KEPPA or the Validation Office of the Thessaloniki International Relations Service (Y.DI.S).

Public documents are the documents provided for in the Hague Convention.

Those wishing to submit foreign titles of studies for translation should first be informed on the appropriate validation procedure to be followed by the authority to which they intend to submit such documents, as the validation procedure may vary according to the origin of the documents and the Agency or Service to which such documents are to be submitted.

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Opening hours to the public : 9am-1 pm Monday to Friday

Contact numbers:
1st Section: Albanian & Eastern European languages: 210-3285743, 210-3285748, 210-3285747;
2nd Section: English, Hebrew and Chinese: 210-3285731, 210-3285737, 210-3285732;
3rd Section: Arabic & Western European languages: 210-3285723, 210-3285726, 210-3285730;
4th Section: Translations for Public Authorities: 210-3285712, 210-3285764, 210-3285760
Fax: 210-3285777

The Translation Service certifies the authenticity of the translators’ signatures. Translators are solely responsible for the accuracy of the translation.
Translations are stamped and stapled together with the documents submitted for translation so as to constitute a single set of documents.

All persons intending to submit titles of studies, identity cards, passports or driving licenses for translation are kindly requested to do so using only certified copies of such documents.

Copies of Greek titles of studies are validated by the issuing authority, the Citizens Service Centers (KEP) and all Public Services.

Copies of foreign titles of studies are validated by:
1) the issuing authority;
2) the competent Educational Institutions established in Greece;
3) by lawyers.

Translation cost:
On the basis of decision no. F093.29/AS1057/26.02.07 of the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs (Government Gazette 348/B/348/13.03.07), the cost per translation page as well as the categories of documents, as of 19.03.2007, are determined as follows:

Requests submitted to the Correspondence Department:
Citizens who are unable to come to the Translation Service can send their documents for translation via ELTA Courier or a private courier company of their choice, paying the relevant fees and instructing the courier company to submit the documents to a cashier, pay the translation fees, and pick up the translated documents.

When interested parties confirm that their documents are properly validated, they may then may then give their request, the documents and the fee for the translation to the courier, who will deliver the documents to the Translation Service and pick up the completed translation on the day designated on the relevant receipt.

Bear in mind that a validation on a separate sheet of paper is considered and additional page of translation. Foreign nationals’ requests for translations should be accompanied by relevant documentation of their legal residency in Greece (Law 3386/2005, article 84, paragraph 1).

Those transacting with the Translation Service on the part of a third party are asked to provide relevant legal authorization (power of attorney) when submitting and picking up documents.

The mailing address is:
Translation Service
Arionos 10
10554 Athens

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