2015 Examinations Registration Kenya : KASNEB

Name of the Organization : KASNEB
Type of Facility : 2015 Examinations Registration
Country : Kenya

Website : http://www.kasneb.or.ke/index.php

KASNEB Examinations Registration

A person seeking to be registered as a student for any of the technician examinations must show evidence of being a holder of one of the following minimum qualifications:

Related : KASNEB New Student Online Registration : www.statusin.org/7894.html

(a) Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examination with an aggregate average of at least grade D+ (D Plus) or equivalent qualifications.
(b) Any other KASNEB technician examination certificate.
(c) Such other certificates or diplomas as may be approved by KASNEB.

Professional Examinations

A person seeking to be registered as a student for any of the professional examinations must show evidence of being a holder of one of the following minimum qualifications:
(a) Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examinationwith an aggregate average of at least grade C+ (C plus) provided the applicant has obtained a minimum of grade C+ (C plus) in both English and Mathematics or equivalent qualifications.
(b) Kenya Advanced Certificate Education (KACE) with at least TWO principal passes provided that the applicant has credits in Mathematics and English at Kenya Certificate of Education (KCE) level of equivalent qualifications.
(c) KASNEB technician or professional examination certificate.
(d) A degree from a recognized university.
(e) Such other certificates or diplomas as may be approved by KASNEB.

Examination Dates

Students of KASNEB, parents, sponsors, guardians, training institutions and other stakeholders are hereby notified of the following important dates and information.

1. Examination dates for May 2015 examinations are as follows:
(a) ATC, ICTT, IST and CMT Levels I and II:
Tuesday, 19 May 2015, Wednesday, 20 May 2015 and Thursday, 21 May 2015

(b) CPA, CPS, CSIA, and CCP Part I:
Friday, 22 May 2015, Monday, 25 May 2015 and Tuesday, 26 May 2015

(c) CPA, CPS, CSIA and CCP Parts II and III:
Wednesday, 27 May 2015, Thursday, 28 May 2015 and Friday, 29 May 2015

(d) CICT:
(i) Part I:
Friday, 22 May 2015, Monday, 25 May 2015, Tuesday, 26 May 2015 and Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Related Post

(ii) Part II:
Tuesday, 26 May 2015, Wednesday, 27 May 2015, Thursday, 28 May 2015 and Friday, 29 May 2015

(iii) Part III:
Wednesday, 27 May 2015, Thursday, 28 May 2015 and Friday, 29 May 2015

(e) Foreign Accountancy Qualifications (FAQ):
Thursday, 28 May 2015 and Friday, 29 May 2015

2. Closing dates for examination entries for the May 2015 examinations are as shown below:
Normal entry: Friday, 13 February 2015
Late entry: Friday, 13 March 2015

3. Examination brochures and forms are obtainable on request, free of charge, either in person at the offices of KASNEB or through the post. The examination brochures and forms are also available at any branch of the Kenya National Library Service (KNLS) countrywide or training institutions. Forms can also be downloaded from the website; www.kasneb.or.ke.

4. Method of payment of fees:
Students are advised to pay through the following student fee collection accounts in any branch of the following banks:
(a) National Bank of Kenya Ltd. (NBK). – Account No.01001031572601.
(b) Equity bank Ltd. – Account No.0170299238025.
(c) Kenya Post Office Savings Bank (Postbank) – Account No.0744130009246.
(d) Co-operative Bank of Kenya Ltd. – Account No.01129128535900.

However, students are advised that payment at KASNEB offices will soon be phased out and therefore they should utilise the available payment channels through the banks.

5. All students who sat for the November/December 2014 examinations should ENTER for the May 2015 examinations immediately upon confirmation of their November/December 2014 examination results.

6. All students of KASNEB are required to update their annual registration renewal position by 1 July of each year.

7. Closing dates for applicants wishing to be registered as students in order to be eligible to enter for the November/December 2015 examinations are as shown below:
Normal Registration: Friday, 29 May 2015
Late Registration: Tuesday, 30 June 2015

8. All inactive students are reminded and encouraged to update their student registration status and enter for the examinations in order to realise their goals. Please get in touch with the office for guidance and advice on how to regularise your student status.

Contact Us:
KASNEB Towers, Off Hospital Road
(Near Kenyatta National Hospital, next to Real Insurance)
P.O. Box 41362 00100
Nairobi, Kenya

Tel: 020 2712640, 020 2712828
ISDN: 4923000
Mobile: 0722 201214, 0734 600624
Email: info AT kasneb.or.ke

Categories: Kenya
Tags: kasneb.or.ke

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  • How can I use the past kasneb forms to pay the registration, renewal and examination while applying for the new syllabus?

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