Exam Registration Online Bermuda : Insurance Institute

Name of the Organization : Bermuda Insurance Institute
Type of Facility : Exam Registration Online
Country : Bermuda

Website :

Exam Registration Online :

Exam Information:
Please Note:
Effective January 1st, 2015 all RPLU and CAS students will have to adhere to all BII examination registration requirements, therefore anyone wishing to sit any of those exams in the January – March 2015

Related : Transport Control Department Online Scheduling of Inspections/ Examinations of Private Cars & Bikes Bermuda :

Window will have to register with the BII on or before Friday December 12th in order to sit during this period without a late fee incurred. See charges for Exam Transfers and Late Fees below.

As of February 23, 2015. RPLU and CAS students will be required to register themselves on line during the regular registration period; unless, the students wishes a late registration.

Late Registration Opportunities:
Persons may utilize late registration all year long. However, there are designated periods when the BII will complete the entire late registration process for you. Give us a call for specific dates. Outside of the designated registration periods, the late registration process has two steps.
1. Students are required to call the BII to arrange a date, pay the late fee, and pay the administration fee.
2. Once the first part of the process is complete students are required to call The Institutes in Pennsylvania directly and pay them their portion of the examination fee.

Exam Registration :

Ordering Study Materials:
All study material must be ordered on line from The American Insurance Institute’s website or by calling them at 610-644-2101. It is in your interest to order your materials as soon as possible and to start reading in preparation for your class or exam.

All study material must be ordered on line from The (American) Institute’s website or by calling them at (610) 644-2101. It is in your interest to order your materials as soon as possible and to start reading in preparation for your class or exam.

Placing An Order For The First Time:
Once on the website move your pointer to On Line Shopping and click on Shopping Home, move to New Student and click to create ID and Pin. Fill in New Customer Form. If you are a new student leave the Social Security # space blank and they will assign you a number. Do not enter a Bermuda Social Insurance # in that space.

Read carefully and follow the instructions for an International Address. For both the Office and Home address do not use the city, state, or ZIP code fields. Enter your street address in Line1, Line2, Line3, and enter Bermuda in the Country field. Be sure to include a fax number as this is essential for ordering outside the US. The last item is a privacy question. We encourage you to read the Student Information Release Policy and not tick the box.

Once this information is submitted you will be given a Pin # and an ID #. You may wish to make a copy of this information. After receiving your ID & PIN # click Start Shopping, Yes to the Security Question, then on Exam or Program. To order the material for the selected course(s) click on Choose an Exam and click on Show Materials.

Choose the exam period you will be sitting your exam in (as this determines what edition of the books you receive) and click on materials for that period. The Bermuda exam periods and their registration dates are detailed on You should order the Required Materials Package which includes the Text Book(s), Course Guide (work-book), and the Handbook (if applicable).

NB: there is no longer a CD-ROM Practice Exam Disk available for purchase however, the purchase of the Course Guide gives you online access to practice exams (the access code on the back cover). All other items are optional – note SMART Study Aids are also very helpful and can be ordered separately or in the Comprehensive Package option.

Orders shipped to Bermuda usually take a minimum of three to four days to arrive depending on the shipping method. The fastest and most expensive is courier / UPS. If a US postal address is used (eg: ZipX, Mailboxes) it will take over a week and if regular airmail is used it may take several weeks.

Please note that shipping costs vary quite considerably and you would be sensible to get a quote for several different shipping methods as it may result in significant savings for just one order. If appropriate and permitted, we would suggest using your office address so there will be someone available during working hours to accept the shipment.

Make sure when filling in the details that you tick International Order and provide a fax # as you will be contacted by the AICPCU regarding shipping costs before the order is processed.

Exam Transfers:
If you cannot take the exam in the testing window for which you registered and wish to transfer to a future window, please follow the provedure below.

** Call the BII Tel: 441-295-1596 and request the transfer(s) – please note that this cannot be done on-line. Our fee for the transfer process is $85.00 per exam. This should be done three (3) full working days prior to the date of your exam.

** Call the AICPCU/IIA (the “Institutes”) Tel: 610-644-2101 to complete the exam transfer. Their fee is also $85.00 per exam. This should also be done three (3) full working days prior to the date of your exam.
** Call the BII during the applicable exam registration window to choose your exam slot – please note this cannot be done on-line.

Transfers Within the Same Exam Registration Window
BII penalties for transfer of exams from one date to another within same window are as follows:
** One transfer of an exam will incur a $10 fee
** Two transfers of the same exam will incur a $25 fee
** Three or more transfers of the same exam will incur a $50 fee

Fees above do not apply to transfer(s) made with less than 3 working days notice as these will incur a $50 penalty per exam.

Please note that segmented exams cannot be transferred.

Exam Cancellations:
Occasionally students wish to cancel their AICPCU/IIA exam completely and may receive a partial refund. Please note that this cannot be done on-line.

Call the AICPCU/IIA (the “Institutes”) Tel: 610-644-2101 and cancel your exam with them. This should be done three (3) full working days prior to the date of your exam. If you cancel your registration with the Institutes before the deadline, you may receive a credit up to: the amount you paid less the forfeiture amount which can be found on the institutes website under exams.

If the exam fee paid was less than the forfeiture, the entire exam fee is forfeited. The Institutes will either keep the credit on a student’s account or if requested, will return the fee to the student via the BII. Please note that the BII Administration fee is non-refundable.
As a courtesy, if you are canceling your exam, please call the BII Tel: 441-295-1596 or email any staff member so we can allow other students who need to resit, the chance to use your space. Please note that there are no refunds for segmented exams.

Segmented Exams:
Segmented exam delivery is currently available for all INS, AIC and ARM exams administered at The Bermuda Insurance Institute. Please click for full details * of segmented exams (this is the AICPCU site so any updates / corrections will be shown here first). The following is a brief overview.

Please note:
** Segment exams are only available for INS, AIC and ARM exams.
** Segment exams are given during existing BII testing windows.
** Segment exams contain the same questions as full length exams.
** Segment exams cover only 3-5 assignments at a time.
** Segment exams are only one hour long.
** Students can take multiple segments in the same testing window.
** Students who do not pass a segment can apply to retake within the same testing window provided there is an exam slot available.
** Successful completion of all the segment exams for a given course earns credit for the entire course

Chartered Insurance Institute Exams:
The Chartered Insurance Institute exams are offered twice a year in October and April and are hand-written only. Registration for these examinations is directly through the Chartered Insurance Institute The exams are written at the BII.

Invigilation of other Exams:
The BII administers and invigilates other examinations on behalf of professional bodies such as LOMA, RPLU, CAS, Warwick University, CEBS to name a few. Generally, the student registers directly with the examining body and will be charged an invigilation fee of $100 per exam with the BII. Please contact the BII for further information and guidance.

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