portal.batelco.com Automated Bill Payment Service Bahrain : Telecommunications Company

Name of the Organization : Bahrain Telecomunications Company
Type of Facility : Automated Bill Payment Service
Country : Bahrain

Website : http://portal.batelco.com/customer-service/automated-bill-payment-service/

Automated Bill Payment Service :

Enjoy a simpler life with Batelco’s Automated Bill Payment Service What is automatic bill payment?

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This service pays your Batleco bills for you, every month, automatically – so you never have to think about another bill payment.

How it works?:
Set your payment limit and Batelco will deduct the outstanding amount up to your set limit. If your bill is less than this payment limit,Batelco will only deduct the amount owning and nothing more.

Make your life simpler in three easy steps:
** Fill in the application form which is available in any shop
** Specify the maximum amount you would like to set for your monthly deduction
** Once Batelco and your bank have verified all your details are correct, your service will be activated and an SMS confirmation will be sent to you

The following banks currently support Batelco’s automatic bill payment service:
** Ahli United Bank
** Bahrain Islamic Bank (BISB)
** Bank of Bahrain and Kuwait (BBK)
** Citibank
** Ithmaar Bank
** National Bank of Bahrain (NBB)
** Standard Chartered

For more information about the service please visit any Batelco retail shop.

Bill & Collect :
Batelco issues Monthly Service Charge accounts for all available services. Monthly Service Charges are sent out to the customer at the last notified postal address.

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Liability for Charges:
Our normal billing process is to issue accounts to the service owner. As a service owner you are liable for all consumption and service charges. Any arrangements between the owner and a third party are a private matter between these parties. If the service is sold, any outstanding debts should be paid.

Issuing bills:
Bills will be issued to the service owner at the address nominated. If you have not notified us of a postal address, the account will be sent to your Legal address.

Change of Billing Address:
You can change your billing address free of charge. You may advise us of your address by calling our Customer Call Centre on 196 or Email telpro AT btc.com.bh or via fax number 17 915464 by filling the “Address Change Advice” form which is available at all our Customer Service Centres. In all cases, a copy of your CPR or CR is required.

FAQs :
1. How can I activate e-Billing?
a) log into e-services through batelco.com
b) go to e-billing.
c) select the required circuits and click “activate”
d) enter the e-mail address and select your choice of stopping “stop printing my bill”
e) click “Continue” and validate your e-mail.

2. How can I stop paper bills?
If e-billing is not activated then follow the steps above FAQ
1. If e-billing is activated then:
a) log into e-services through batelco.com
b) go to e-billing.
c) select the required circuits and click “Stop printing bills”

3. What if I needed the paper bill again after I disabled my physical bills?
You can simply print your bills from the e-Services portal by opening the PDF version of your bill and clicking ‘Print’. These PDFs are identical to the ones sent to you through post. If you still need Batelco to post your physical bills again, you can do the following:
a) Log in to e-services through batelco.com
b) Go to e-billing.
c) Select the required circuits and click “Enable Printing Bills”.
d) You will receive your paper bill with the next billing cycle.

4. Can I have different e-mails defined for different circuits?
Yes. You can define one e-mail for many circuits by selecting the circuits required, or you may select each circuit separately and enter the e-mail address required for that circuit.

5. Can I send the e-bill to more than one e-mail address?
To ensure data privacy, through e-Services we only enable you to enter your main e-mail address. If you wish to push the e-mail to more than one person, then upon receiving the e-Bill you can forward the content to the required person(s).

6. How can I validate my e-mail?
Once you register for e-Billing, a message will be sent to the e-mail address you have entered. Click on the verification link available in the message. Your e-mail will be verified and hence e-Billing will be activated.

7. How to de-activate e-Billing for my circuits?
a) log into e-services through batelco.com
b) go to e-billing.
c) Select the required circuits and click “deactivate”. Note that by deactivating e-Billing, the paper bills will be activated and posted to your mailbox.

Categories: Bahrain
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