dhs.wisconsin.gov Request For Birth Certificate : Wisconsin Department of Health Services

Name of the Organization : Wisconsin Department of Health Services
Type of Facility : Request For Birth Certificate
Country : Wisconsin, USA

Website : https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/

DHS Request For Birth Certificate

Wisconsin law requires that applications for copies of birth certificates include both a signature and the appropriate fees.

Related : Wisconsin Department of Health Services How to apply for a copy of a Vital Record : www.statusin.org/24381.html

Therefore, the Wisconsin Vital Records Office cannot accept applications through this Web site, by e-mail, or by telephone. This applies to both information from and copies of birth certificates.

You can apply for a copy of a birth certificate three ways: in person, by mail, or by fax.

Identification of the person making the application is required to apply for copies of vital records in person, by mail or by fax. (For example, if you are a parent applying on behalf of your child, your identification is required.) The acceptable forms of identification are listed below.

ONE of the following:
Wisconsin driver’s license
Wisconsin ID card
Out-of-state driver’s license/ID card

TWO of the following:
U.S. government-issued photo ID
Checkbook/bank statement
Health insurance card
Current, dated, signed lease
Utility bill or traffic ticket
Paycheck or earnings statement

At least one form of identification must show your name and address. Expired cards or documents will not be accepted. You must have an original ID to apply in person and provide a copy to apply by mail.

There is no additional charge for postage.

If you still have questions after reading the information, please contact us.

In Person:
You can apply in person for a copy of a birth certificate at 1 West Wilson Street, Room 160, in Madison, Wisconsin (driving directions/parking). The office is open from 8:00 A.M. until 4:15 P.M. (C.S.T.), Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays.

Applications are available in our office or you may fill out the birth certificate application form (PDF, 74 KB) and bring it with you. Acceptable identification is required.

Our office provides both regular service and expedited service for in-person requests.

Regular Service:
In-person requests for certified copies of birth certificates are completed within two hours of acceptance at our counter if received by 2:00 p.m. Requests received at our counter after 2:00 p.m. will be completed by 10:00 a.m. on the next business day.

Because of the high demand for copies of birth certificates, requests for uncertified copies are not completed on the same schedule as certified copies. In-person requests for uncertified copies of birth certificates may take up to three months to complete.

The cost for the search, which includes one copy of the birth certificate, if found, is $20.00. Additional copies of the same record, requested at the same time as the first, are $3.00 each. The cost is the same whether you request a certified or uncertified copy of the birth certificate.

The fees are not refundable if no record is found. Acceptable methods of payment for in-person requests are cash, personal check, or money order. Credit and debit cards are not accepted for in-person requests.

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Expedited Service:
In-person requests for both certified and uncertified copies of birth certificates can be expedited for an additional fee.

Expedited in-person requests for certified copies of birth certificates generally will be completed within 15 to 30 minutes. Expedited in-person requests for uncertified copies of birth certificates will be completed within two hours. Expedited request will not be processed after 4:00 p.m.

The cost for expedited service is $20.00 per record in addition to the $20.00 birth certificate search fee. Additional copies of the same certificate, requested at the same time as the first, are $3.00 each. The cost is the same whether you request a certified or an uncertified copy of the birth certificate.

The fees are not refundable if no certificate is found. Acceptable methods of payment for in-person requests are cash, personal check, or money order. Credit and debit cards are not accepted for in-person requests.

By Mail:
Applications for copies of birth certificates should be mailed to:
Wisconsin Vital Records Office
P.O. Box 309
Madison, WI 53701-0309

Please use the birth certificate application form or request an application by sending a self-addressed stamped envelope to:
Birth Record Application
P.O. Box 309
Madison, WI 53701-0309

Incomplete or unsigned forms will be returned unprocessed. Include a copy of acceptable identification (required).

If you are requesting a certificate for a birth that occurred prior to 1907, please check our list of earliest registered births to see if we may have the record.

The cost for the search, which includes one copy of the record, if found, is $20.00. Additional copies of the same record, requested at the same time as the first, are $3.00 each. The cost is the same whether you request a certified or an uncertified copy of the birth certificate.

The fee is not refundable if no record is found. You must enclose a personal check or money order made payable to Wis. Vital Records. Please do not send cash.

Please include a self-addressed, stamped, business-size envelope with your request.

Requests for certified copies of birth certificates will be completed within one month. Because of the high demand for copies of birth certificates, requests for uncertified copies of birth certificates are not completed on the same schedule as certified copies and may take up to three months to complete.

Expedited service is not available by mail. If you require expedited service for a copy of a birth certificate, you must apply in person or by fax.

By Fax:
If you require expedited service for a copy of a birth certificate and cannot apply in person, you may submit a fax application. The certificate can be sent to you by regular mail or overnight United Parcel Service (UPS) Next Day Air.

Please use the fax birth certificate application form (PDF, 37 KB) or call (608) 266-1373 to have the form faxed to you. Once the application is filled out, please fax it to the number listed on the top of the form. Include a copy of proper identification (required).

All requests received by fax will be charged for expedited service. The cost for expedited service is $20.00 per record in addition to the $20.00 birth certificate search fee. The search fee includes one copy of the certificate, if found. Additional copies of the same certificate, requested at the same time as the first, are $3.00 each. All costs must be paid by credit card and there is an additional $6.00 fee for credit card processing.

The fees are not refundable if no record is found.

Faxed requests for both certified and uncertified copies to be sent by regular mail will be completed and mailed within five business days.

Faxed requests for copies to be sent by overnight UPS will be completed and shipped within one to two business days. UPS requests are processed until 1:00 p.m. each business day for next business day delivery. The fee for UPS shipping is $19.00 within the continental U.S. There may be additional shipping costs for areas outside the continental United States or for Saturday delivery. UPS requires a signature for delivery.

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