All posts from Death Certificate Application Washington : Department of Health

Name of the Organization : Department of Health
Type of Facility : Death Certificate Application
Country : Washington, USA

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DOH Death Certificate Application

The Vital Records Division has death certificates dating back to August 1874. Death records become public 50 years after the date of death.

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Related : Department of Health Birth Certificate Application Washington :

Death certificates are only available to mother, father, sister, brother, spouses named on the death certificate, children, informants and legal representatives (proof of relationship is required). All others requesting certified copies of death certificates, must demonstrate direct and tangible interest. Please review the Approval Guidelines to ensure that you are entitled to your request.

Walk-in Application Requests:
A walk-in application request can be made for a certified copy of a death certificate by visiting the Vital Records Division located at:
Department of Health
Vital Records Division
899 North Capitol Street, NE – First Floor
Washington, DC 20002

The hours of operation are 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM, Monday – Friday and the office is closed on major holidays.

Death Certificate – Certified $18.00
Correction to a Death Certificate $23.00
Administrative Copies $10.00 per request
Verifications $5.00 per request
Certificate of Search (3 Consecutive Years) $18.00 – Deaths

Mail-in Application Requests:
A mail-in application request can be made for a certified copy of a death certificate by completing the following form:

Death Certificate Application:
Please allow 36-48 hours for applications to be received prior to calling the customer service department with questions about your application. The contact phone number to call is (877) 572-6332.

Online and Telephone-Order Requests:
For your convenience, you can make your requests online or over the telephone through VitalChek Network, Inc., an independent company that we have partnered with to provide this service. VitalChek can be reached through their website, or by phone at (877) 572-6332. An additional fee is charged by VitalChek for using this service; all major credit cards are accepted.

Corrections/ Amendments:
There are several provisions in the District of Columbia statue whereby corrections, amendments and/or changes may be made to birth and death certificates. Vital Records encourages you to mail your correction requests or call Vital Record’s Customer Service line at (202) 442-9303. Vital records will gladly explain and forward all the necessary information to you on how to make corrections and amendments.

Genealogy Requests:
Genealogy requests often times requires an exhaustive search by Vital Records Division staff and involves working with the Federal or DC Records Center. Because of this, genealogy requests may take 6-8 weeks to process.

Domestic Partnership :
The DC Department of Health’s Vital Records is experiencing longer than normal wait times. If you do not have an immediate need for Vital Records documents, please consider ordering them via mail, online, phone or by visiting us when wait times stabilize.

The Domestic Partnership Registration Rule implements the Health Care Benefits Expansion Act of 1992 by establishing the procedures and fees for registration, termination, and amendment of a declaration of domestic partnership.

This law, (DC Law 9-114, effective June 11, 1992), authorizes unmarried persons, whether of the same sex or different genders and regardless of one’s place of residence, to register as domestic partners in the District of Columbia. Registration enables the partners to be eligible to receive health care insurance coverage if one of the partners works for and was employed by the District government after 1987.

Connect With Us :
899 North Capitol Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002
Phone: (202) 442-5955
Fax: (202) 442-4795
TTY: 711
Email: doh AT
Office Hours :
Monday to Friday, 8:15 am to 4:45 pm, except District holidays

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  1. Tell me if you have to be a blood relative to the deceased to obtain a death certificate.

    1. Information available from the Official Website :

      If you are not the deceased person’s parent, spouse or the informant listed on the death certificate, you must also send additional documentation with your completed application to prove your relationship to the deceased person or to show your legal need to the certificate.

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