txapps.texas.gov DSHS Online Vital Records Application : Department of State Health Services

Name of the Organization : Texas Department of State Health Services
Type of Facility : DSHS Online Vital Records Application
Country : Texas, USA

Website : https://txapps.texas.gov/tolapp/ovra/

DSHS Online Vital Records Application :

You can use this application to order Texas Vital Records online including:
** Birth Certificate or Verification
** Death Certificate or Verification

Related : Hawaii State Department of Health How to Apply for Certified Copies of Vital Records : www.statusin.org/24879.html

** Marriage Verification
** Divorce Verification

Ordering & Payment:
** Payment can only be made with a credit card or major-brand debit card (Visa, MasterCard).
** Most orders are processed within 10-15 state business days.
** Once your order is confirmed, it cannot be cancelled. If the record requested is not found, the fee is non-refundable and non-transferable.
** To request records in person or through alternative methods, or to request amendments to birth or death records, follow the instructions on the Texas Vital Statistics website.
** To request vital records from other states, visit the National Center for Health Statistics website.

Shipping & Delivery:
** Overnight or next-day deliveries are not available online.
** Orders can be delivered to the United States, U.S. territories and commonwealths, and U.S. military addresses (APO, FPO). For deliveries to other locations, follow instructions on the Texas Vital Statistics website.

** Do not use your browser’s ‘Back’ button during the order. You will be able to edit your information before submitting payment.
** Review the Frequently Asked Questions for requirements and more information.

How else can I order vital records?
Texas vital records are available through other methods, as described on the Texas Vital Statistics website.

How can I order vital records from other states?:
If you would like to request vital records from other states, visit the CDC website for more information.

Can I save my order and then later resume working on it?:
No. The Texas.gov Vital Records Application provides users with a way to compose and submit an order only during a single session.

Can my order include requests formore than one record?:
Yes. You may request as many records as you are qualified to order at one time. For protected birth certificates, you can request only three copies of each record at a time.

If the record I requested is not found, can I get my money back or request another record?:
No. When any search of the files does not result in a record being found, the fee for the search is not refundable or transferable to another search for another record.

Can you ship my order to an address other than my own?:
Yes. You can specify the shipping address as part of the ordering process. Delivery can be to one of the 50 states, or to any of the U.S. territories, U.S. commonwealths, or U.S. military addresses. For military addresses, the entry in the “State” field must be AA, AP, or AE. To ship orders outside the United States, you can use the forms and instructions available on the Texas Vital Statistics website.

Contact Information:
For technical assistance with this application, please call 1-877-452-9060 or send email to Texas.gov Help.
To check the current processing times for Texas.gov orders or review Frequently Asked Questions, visit the Texas Vital Statistics website.
For other questions regarding your vital record order, send an e-mail to registrar@dshs.state.tx.us. Make sure to include the Request Number from your Order Confirmation in the message.

Categories: Z-Crawled-Posts

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