floridahealth.gov Electronic Birth Registration : Florida Department of Health

Name of the Organization : Florida Department of Health
Type of Facility : Electronic Birth Registration
Country : Florida, USA

Website : http://www.floridahealth.gov/%5C/certificates/certificates/EBRS/index.html

Florida Electronic Birth Registration

Electronic Birth Registration (EBR) is the mechanism by which births are registered via a secure Internet connection.

Related : Florida Department of Health Application For Certificate Of Foreign Birth : www.statusin.org/24087.html

It is designed to allow a hospital birth registrar to electronically enter and register a birth record, and capture and store any required signatures . This innovative technology eliminates the need for hospitals to forward original hard copy birth records to county health departments.

Registered users log on through their local Internet provider and enter the data directly into the state database. There is no cost for the organization and no limitation on the number of concurrent users.

In order to ensure a record is filed for every delivery, and that no fraudulent record is filed, the birth registrar will fax the local county vital statistics office, a labor and delivery log for reconciliation against the records entered into the database.

All required forms for each employee needing access must be submitted to the state office and those employees must successfully complete a digital tutorial before they can access the EBR system.

To request the forms, complete and submit your electronic request to us. You may also call our Helpdesk at 1-866-295-5902, Monday through Friday 8:00am to 6:00pm and Saturday/Sunday from 8:00am to 5:00pm.

Request Citrix Access Forms :
Please fill the form completely. If you are not certain or do not have some specific information, enter the choice that most closely fits.

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This form is a starting point for gaining access to our systems and our helpdesk associates will be in contact to verify your information.

Thank you for your interest in Florida’s Electronic Registration Systems.

Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead contact these offices by phone or in writing.

Submit Here : http://www.floridahealth.gov/%5C/certificates/certificates/EDRS/citrix_request.html.html

Vital Statistics Helpdesk:
vsqastaff AT FLHealth.gov

Nonviable Birth :
A Nonviable Birth is defined as an unintentional, spontaneous fetal demise occurring between the 10th through the 19th week of gestation of a pregnancy that has been verified by a health care practitioner.

This law requires health care practitioners to notify the parent(s) that a Certificate of Nonviable Birth may be filed for them. If a parent(s) wishes to file a Certificate of Nonviable Birth, then the health care practitioner and/or health care facility will have 30 days to file a record with the Bureau of Vital Statistics. A parent(s) may request a health care practitioner to file a Certificate of Nonviable Birth regardless of the date on which the nonviable birth occurred.

Once the record is received by the Bureau of Vital Statistics certifications may be issued upon request. The Certificate of Nonviable Birth is a public record, however, parentage information is confidential and will only be available to the parent(s) listed on the record and will require copy of valid ID. Issuance is from the Bureau of Vital Statistics only; county offices cannot issue this certificate.

Once the record has been filed, applicants may complete and submit an Application for Nonviable Birth to request certifications. Nonviable Birth Application.

An informational brochure is available for health care practitioners to provide to parents. Nonviable Birth Brochure. For questions, families should be referred to Customer Service at the state office, (904) 359-6900 ext. 9000.

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