Criminal History Records : New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services

Name of the Organization : New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services
Type of Facility : Criminal History Records
Country : New York, USA

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Criminal History Records :

Introduction to the New York State Criminal History Record:
New York State Executive Law Article 35 establishes the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) as the central repository for criminal history records in New York State.

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New York State Criminal Procedure Law (CPL) Article 160 defines the duties of DCJS when processing fingerprint images submitted by a police officer or agency. CPL 160.30 provides that DCJS is to classify the fingerprints, search its files for information concerning previous records of the individual and promptly transmit the results of the search to the police officer or agency.

In order to fulfill these responsibilities, criminal history reports, or “rapsheets,” are provided by DCJS in response to both criminal and non-criminal inquiries. Each report contains information that is on file at DCJS, but the amount of information released depends on who requested the information and the reason for the request.

Access to criminal history data will depend on specific the eligibility of the requesting entity and status of the record in question. (Note: If an individual requests a review of his/her own criminal history record through the DCJS Record Review process, all information on file will be made available.)

A DCJS rapsheet can be comprised of both civil and criminal data and may contain the following sections:
Attention: Important Information
** Identification Information
** Job/License Information
** Wanted Information
** Missing Person Information

NYS Criminal History information including:
** Arrest/Charge Information
** Court Information
** Incarceration Information
** Certificate of Relief
** Other Information
** Other History Related Information

To provide a full overview of the DCJS rapsheet, this guide is divided into sections with explanations and illustrations using a sample rapsheet below.

Attention – Important Information :
The first section is Attention – Important Information. This section includes banners that, when present, alert the user to specific types of information included on the rapsheet and to the restrictions on the dissemination of such information. The following is an example of some available banners:

Identification Information:
This section of the rapsheet provides personal information pertaining to the subject of the inquiry. The following illustrates the type of information collected followed by a description of selected data elements:
Name may include multiple names and aliases used by the subject reported through various criminal or civil fingerprint submissions. The names are listed by frequency in descending order.

Date of Birth could include multiple dates if the subject has previously reported numerous dates of birth. The dates are listed by frequency in descending order.

Address lists addresses of the subject in chronological order.

Sex, Race, Ethnicity, Skin Tone indicates information most frequently reported. Note:
If multiple sexes are reported, all reported sexes will be shown; if multiple races, ethnicities and skin tones are reported, more than one entry will appear only if the frequency of reporting such race, ethnicity and skin tone is equal.

Eye Color, Hair Color, Height, and Weight indicates information from the most recently reported fingerprint submission.

SSN (Social Security Number) may list more than one number if the subject has reported numerous SSNs through various criminal or civil fingerprint submissions.

NYSID # (New York State Identification Number) is a unique number assigned by DCJS to an individual with criminal and/or civil New York State history. An individual may have more than one NYSID number if all previous histories are sealed.

FBI # is the primary identification and file number assigned by the FBI.

Probation Client ID # is an identification number attached to an individual’s supervision history assigned by a probation agency or by the Office of Probation and Correctional Alternatives.

NCIC Classification is the National Crime Information Center fingerprint classification.

III Status is the Interstate Identification Index status. This indicates whether or not there is information available in states other than New York.

Any information associated only with sealed records will not display unless the agency and reason for the request allows for release of the sealed data based upon relevant of the CPL.

Summary Information:
This section of the rapsheet provides a quick reference guide to the subject’s criminal history. The summary information is a quantitative synopsis of all releasable arrest, conviction, and open charge information which is detailed later in the rapsheet. Arrests prior to 1972 are not included in the summary information, but can be found in the “Other Information” section of the rapsheet.

Name represents the most frequently reported name of the individual.

Total Arrests Charges represent a count of all arrest charges in the history. They are further refined to show felony arrest charges (with violent felony charges being a subset of the felony category), misdemeanor arrest charges and other arrest charges which include violations, infractions and charges with an unknown category type.

Total Convictions reflects the total number of felony convictions (with violent felony convictions being a subset of the felony conviction category), misdemeanor convictions, and other convictions which include violations, infractions and convictions with an unknown category type.

Note: Youthful Offender (YO) Adjudications, if permitted to be released, are shown in the conviction column, but are not included as part of the Total Conviction count. The conviction is vacated in order to obtain a YO adjudication.

Total Open Charges reflects the total number of felony, misdemeanor and other (violations, infractions) open charges. An arraignment charge is considered an open charge if a disposition has not been reported for that arraignment charge. All arrest charges are considered open if there are no arraignment charges and no final disposition. If there is a final disposition, all arrest charges are considered closed. If there are arraignment charges, arrest charges cannot be individually accounted for because a person may have been arraigned on charges that differ from those for which he/she was arrested.

Sex Offender Convictions are based on convictions for Sex Offender Registry charges.

NYS Criminal History Information:
The criminal history section of the rapsheet displays criminal events maintained on DCJS records. This section is organized according to criminal cycles. Each cycle refers to a single fingerprintable event.

Arrest/Charge Information:
This information is reported by the arresting agency and usually is supported by an arrest fingerprint transmission. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map