efile.cra.gc.ca New Registration : Canada Revenue Agency

Name of the Organization : Canada Revenue Agency
Type of Facility : EFILE New Registration
Country : Canada

Website : http://www.efile.cra.gc.ca/l-rgstr-eng.html

E- FILE New Registration :

Who can apply?:
Any firm, organization, or individual who provides tax preparation services can apply, as long as they meet the definition of an applicant and pass the suitability screening criteria.

Related : Ministry of Economic Development and Growth Business Name Registration : www.statusin.org/25809.html

How can I apply?:
Your first step in becoming an electronic filer is to complete the EFILE Registration Online form. This is a one-time application, but in some situations you will have to submit revised information. Successful applicants will also be required to renew their application on a yearly basis.

The online application is designed primarily for those operating a tax preparation business. However, individuals may also apply to become electronic filers. When completing the online application, individuals, who are not operating a business, should provide their full legal name in the “Name of proprietorship, partnership, or corporation” field and they should also select “Proprietorship” in the “Business Type” field.

All applications must be made online.

There is no fee for processing your application.

Note: Electronic filing of T1 returns requires the use of certified software product.

Issuance of EFILE number and password:
The system will verify the submitted information and will generate error messages, if necessary. For example, if you forget to complete a mandatory field, such as the “Name of the proprietorship, partnership or corporation”, there will be a message advising you of the error. Make any required corrections and resubmit the online form.

Once the application has been accepted, the system will display a confirmation page similar to the sample below. The confirmation page will contain your EFILE number and password.

When should I apply?:
Although you will be issued an EFILE number and password as soon as you apply, your application may take up to 30 days to process. To give us enough time to review your application before the filing season starts, we encourage you to file your application before December 31. If we cannot process your application within this 30-day time frame, we will notify you.

Why does it take 30 days?:
We suitability screen all new and existing applicants for EFILE.

While this activity is being carried out, you will be limited to performing EFILE Account Maintenance activities only.

When we have completed the screening and if you have successfully met the criteria, we will notify you by email. If you have not successfully met the criteria, we will notify you by mail explaining the reasons.

Account Renewal:
To renew your account, log in with your EFILE Number and password, and select “Account Renewal” on the resulting Web page.

Yearly renewal is mandatory for your continued participation in electronic filing.

The only way you can renew your account is online.

An account renewal option is available to all registered users of EFILE, including those participants who filed through a third party transmitter.

You will see a screen display that shows your current EFILE account data. Since we use this information to contact you throughout the year, please ensure that the following information is current:
** mailing address;
** EMAIL address;
** contact person;
** telephone number with the extension; and
** fax number.

Issuance of password:
The system will verify the submitted form and will generate error messages, if necessary. Make any required corrections, and resubmit the form. Once the form has been accepted and your account renewed, the system will display a confirmation page, similar to the following example, which will contain your new password.

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