: Disabled People’s Travel/ Freedom Pass England

Name of the Organization : Southwark Council
Type of Facility : Disabled People’s Travel/ Freedom Pass
Country : United Kingdom

Website :
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Disabled People’s Travel/ Freedom Pass :

The disabled persons travel pass, known as the freedom pass gives you free travel on buses, tube, trains, Docklands Light Railway and trams in London.

Related : Hackney Council Apply For An Older Persons Freedom Pass England :

Who can get a disabled person’s freedom pass?:
There are categories of disability in the Transport Act 2000 which make you eligible for a freedom pass. These are listed below. You must be living in Southwark at the time of making your application and when the pass is issued.

You will be eligible for a freedom pass if you are:
** blind or partially sighted
** profoundly or severely deaf
** without speech
** have a disability or have suffered an injury that has a substantial and long term adverse effect on your ability to walk
** have a learning difficulty
** do not have arms or have a long-term loss of the use of both arms
** would be refused a driving licence under section 92 of the Road Traffic Act 1988

How much does a disabled persons freedom pass cost?:
We pay for the pass, but you will have to provide passport style photographs with your application.

If the pass is used for a journey on national rail to travel beyond the Greater London area, then the extra onward cost of the journey must be paid before boarding the train.

Applying for a disabled person’s freedom pass:
The easiest and quickest way to apply for a blue badge is to complete our simple online application.

If you are having difficulties completing the form you should call the concessionary travel team on 0207 525 2146, who will be happy to help.

Replacing your pass if it is lost or stolen:
If your pass is stolen report the theft to the police who will provide you with a crime reference number.

If you lose your pass report it to the National Property Register and obtain an immobilise reference number

You can apply for a replacement pass by contacting London Councils on 0300 330 1433.

Further information:
Visit the freedom pass website for more information, including which transport services you can use, when and where to use your pass and how to use your pass.

Older Persons Freedom Pass :
** The Older Persons Travel Pass, known as the freedom pass gives you free travel across London and free bus journeys nationally.

** You can apply for the Older Persons Freedom Pass if you meet the age criteria and your sole or principal residence is in the London Borough of Southwark. To find out if you are eligible please visit the Freedom Pass website

** If you’re a London resident, aged 60 or over, and not yet eligible for a Freedom Pass, you may be eligible for TfL’s 60+ London Oyster Photocard

Applying for a Freedom Pass :
** You can apply for the Older Persons Freedom Pass online via the Freedom Pass website

** If you are unable to apply online, you can collect a paper application form, which you will need to complete and return in the post. You will need to provide proof of your identity, proof of your address and one colour passport-sized photograph to apply. Application forms can be picked up at the following locations by request at reception desk only.

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