Bus Pass Renewal : Gloucestershire County Council

Name of the Organization : Gloucestershire County Council
Type of Facility : Bus Pass Renewal
Country : United Kingdom

Website :

Bus Pass Renewal :

Do you hold a concessionary bus pass that is about to expire?

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Age related bus pass renewal:
You can renew now if you have received your letter from the council.

Renew your concessionary bus pass online This link opens in a new browser window

If your letter is forwarded to you with an incorrect address, you need to visit a library where staff can update your details before you renew your pass. You must take evidence of your new address with you for example a current council tax bill, recent utility bill, bank statement or driving licence.

Pass holders do not need to contact us about their renewal. You should wait until your letter arrives and follow the renewal instructions.

Disability related bus pass renewal:
Disabled pass holders should have already received a letter confirming their entitlement and asking if they wish to renew. Alternatively (depending on the level of information we hold about an individual), we will send pass holders a Free Bus Travel Pack and ask that they reapply.

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Young disabled (under 16):
Most young disabled (under 16) pass holders will not be sent a Free Bus Travel Pack, but they will be sent a very short form to return. The form will ask for a new passport photo, which will be printed on their new card. All young disabled pass holders must provide a new photo if they wish to renew. Find out more about applying for a disability related bus pass.

This authority is under a duty to protect the public funds it administers and to this end may use the information you provide in your application for the prevention and detection of fraud. It may also share this information with other bodies responsible for auditing or administering public funds for these purposes. For further information see

I am an age-related bus pass holder and my current bus pass is due to expire soon. What should I do?
The expiry date is show on your pass. Your pass will be automatically renewed if you have used it within the last 13 months. Please ensure you let us know of any change of address well in advance of the expiry date. If you do not receive your new pass please contact us on 01452 426265.

My age related pass has now expired but I have not received a new one. What should I do?
You will not receive a new pass automatically if you have not used your current one within the last 13 months. Please visit a participating library, or contact us on 01452 426265 to arrange for a renewal pass to be issued to you.

If you have moved since your last bus pass was issued and have not notified us of your change of address, please take evidence of your current address (eg council tax or bill, bank statement) to a participating library to arrange for a renewal pass to be issued to you.

I am a disabled pass holder; will I receive a bus pass renewal letter?
You should have received all the information you need by now. This might be a letter confirming your eligibility and asking if you wish to renew. Alternatively (depending on the level of information we hold about you), you might have received an application pack asking you to reapply. If you have not received either a letter or full pack call us straight away on 01452 426265.

Pass holders who are both disabled and of pensionable age but do not have “with companion” entitlement should have received a letter by now inviting them to renew their pass at a library. If you have not received this letter, call us straightaway on 01452 426265. You will receive an age-related pass.

There is no difference between an age-related and disability-related pass (except the colour of the card, blue and orange respectively); you can use either type of pass in the same way to get free travel at off-peak times anywhere in England. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map