rctcbc.gov.uk Bus Pass : Rhondda Cynon Taf Council

Name of the Organization : Rhondda Cynon Taf Council
Type of Facility : Bus Pass
Country : United Kingdom

Website : https://www.rctcbc.gov.uk/


Who provides the pass?
The All Wales Concessionary Bus Pass Free Travel Scheme is funded by Rhondda Cynon Taf Council and the Welsh Government.

Related : Gloucestershire County Council Bus Pass Renewal : www.statusin.org/8118.html

It entitles people aged 60 or over and people with certain disabilities to travel free of charge on local bus services throughout Wales.

Do I qualify for a bus pass?:
If you can travel by bus without needing someone else’s help, can provide sufficient evidence that you are a principal or primary resident within the Rhondda Cynon Taf area and you meet any one of the following criteria, then you will automatically qualify for a bus pass:-
** Aged 60 or over – please see Aged 60 or Over Bus Pass.
** Currently in receipt of Disability Living Allowance (DLA) Mobility Component at the Higher rate – please see Disabled Person’s Bus Pass.
** Currently in receipt of War Pensioner’s Mobility Supplement (WPMS) – please see Disabled Person’s Bus Pass.

** You are a seriously injured service personnel or veteran who has been awarded a lump sum for an injury in Tariffs 1 – 8 under the War Veterans Compensation Scheme (AFCS) – please see Disabled Person’s Bus Pass.
** Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Award scoring 8 or more points under Mobility Descriptor 12 “Moving Around” – please see Disabled Person’s Bus Pass.
** Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Award scoring 12 points under Mobility Descriptor 11 “Planning and Following a Journey” – please see Disabled Person’s Bus Pass.
** Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Award scoring 8 points or more under Communicating Verbally Descriptor 7 – please see Disabled Person’s Bus Pass.

If you do not automatically qualify for a bus pass, but can travel by bus without needing someone else’s help and you can provide sufficient evidence that you are a principal or primary resident within the Rhondda Cynon Taf area then you may be eligible for assessment for a Disabled Person’s Bus Pass, please see Disabled Person’s Bus Pass.

If you qualify for a bus pass but cannot travel by bus without needing someone else’s help, then you may be eligible for assessment for a Companion Bus Pass – please see Companion Bus Pass.

When can I use my pass?:
You can use your pass at any time and on any day of the week.

Where can I travel?:
You can travel free of charge on almost all local bus services throughout Wales. In addition you can travel to and from towns just over the border in England, providing there is no change of bus involved.

You can also travel free of charge on certain journeys provided by local Community Transport Operators in the Rhondda Cynon Taf area.

However, you cannot travel free on certain types of services, for example:
** Rail Link bus services, which connect with trains and charge rail based fares.
** National Express / Long distance coach services.
** Buses operating tourist services.

How do I use my bus pass?:
Your bus pass contains a small electronic chip (often referred to as a Smartcard) which is used to check your concessionary entitlement and ensure that the bus operator is paid for your travel.

Please ensure that you keep your pass in a safe place where it cannot be bent, twisted, or damaged and in a separate compartment from other bank cards etc. If you keep your pass in a wallet or purse, you must allow the driver to see your photograph.

Local service buses are fitted with a new style ticket machine, next to the entrance, called a “Reader”. When you board, please hold your bus pass in close proximity to the “Reader”, with your photograph face up. This will electronically register the pass and confirm it is valid and acknowledge that the pass has been read. It will then respond with a bleep, a green light and you maybe issued with a ticket before you take your seat.

Contact Us:
Any postal enquiries can be sent to:
Integrated Transport Unit
Rhondda Cynon Taf CBC
Sardis House
Sardis Road
CF37 1DU

Telephone: 01443 425001

Email: transportationservices@rctcbc.gov.uk

You will need to book an appointment with an advisor at one of the Council’s One4aLL Centres. This can be done ahead either on the Council’s website, or by telephone on 01443 425005.

Categories: Wales
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