ddot.dc.gov School Transit Subsidy Program United States of America : District Department of Transportation

Name of the Organization : District Department of Transportation
Type of Facility : School Transit Subsidy Program
Country : United States of America

Website : http://ddot.dc.gov/page/school-transit-subsidy-program

School Transit Subsidy Program :

The School Transit Subsidy Program or the “DC Kids Ride Free on Bus” program offers reduced fares for District students who use Metrobus, Metrorail or the DC Circulator to travel to and from school.

Related : Transportation Security Administration Travel Checklist : www.statusin.org/26790.html

This program serves students attending DC public, charter and private schools, as well as students participating in educational programs in the District.

For any District student to qualify for the School Transit Subsidy Program, he or she must meet all four qualifications:
1. Be a resident of the District of Columbia;
2. Be less than 22 years of age (Note: Age requirement expanded for all students, except for eligible youth in the District’s Foster Care system.);
3. Be enrolled in an elementary or secondary public, private, charter or parochial school located within the District; or a “ward of DC” through the Foster Care System; and
4. Need to use Metrobus and Metrorail for travel to and from school and to and from related educational activities in the District.

Eligible students may take free or reduced-fare trips by downloading transit passes onto their DC One Cards. There are four types of passes available:
1. Free bus pass, also known as the “DC Kids Ride Free on Bus” program:
The DC Kids Ride Free on Bus program allows eligible students to ride Metrobus and the DC Circulator without charge, Monday through Friday, from 5:30 am to 9 am and 2 pm to 8 pm, during the regular school year. Students can also ride free when school is dismissed early or for a half-day.

Note: Starting on January 2, 2015, District students participating in the “DC Kids Ride Free on Bus” program must download an electronic pass to their DC One Card and tap their card on the farebox reader each time they board the bus, during the designated program hours. Students will no longer be permitted to flash their cards to get a free bus trip in 2015.

2. Ten-trip bus pass for $7.50:
This pass is valid for 10 Metrobus trips within the District. This pass is a complement to the free bus pass so that eligible students may get a reduced fare for bus trips taken after 8 pm on weekdays and on the weekends.

3. Ten-trip rail pass for $9.50:
This pass is valid for 10 Metrorail trips within the District.

4. A one-month unlimited bus and rail pass for $30
This pass is valid for one month of unlimited travel on Metrorail and Metrobus within the District.

Eligible students may get a transit pass loaded on to their DC One Cards by following these steps:
1. Obtain a DC One Card from school or a DC One Card Customer Service Center at Judiciary Square, Deanwood Recreation Center and Library and Wilson Aquatic Center at https://octo.dc.gov/page/service-center-locations.
** Public school students. Students at public middle schools, high schools and educational campuses may obtain DC One Cards at their schools.
** Public elementary school students. They may apply for DC One Cards at Customer Service Centers. DC One Cards will be delivered to their schools.
** Charter school students. Students at charter schools may obtain DC One Cards at their schools.
** Private school students. Students at private schools may apply for DC One Cards at Customer Service Centers. DC One Cards will be mailed to their homes and students must get their cards activated by their schools’ designated ID Administrators.

Tags: ddot.dc.gov
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