: Online Health Research Management System Papua New Guinea

Name of the Organization : Papua New Guinea Health Research Portal
Type of Facility : Online Health Research Management System
Country : Papua New Guinea

Website :
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Online Health Research Management System:

The Papua New Guinea Health Research Portal is an integrated online health research management system that offers substantial benefits for all stakeholders in health research.

National Department of Health is responsible for overall implementation of the National Health Research Policy.

The Portal aims to improve accountability, efficiency and quality of health research conducted in Papua New Guinea by providing information on all ongoing research and hence increasing transparency and by streamlining the ethics review process.

The Portal can be used to:

Submit research proposals for review to Papua New Guinea IRB 24×7 from anywhere. Researchers need to register on the Portal. Once registered, you will have a permanent account and be able to submit research proposal in a paper-less way and to track the review status of your proposals.

Search ongoing and completed health research from June 2014 onwards through a publically accessible research registry. No registration or log-in is required to search the ongoing research.

Access complete research reports for the researches started since 2014 once the research is completed. [Since the system has been launched only in June 2014, there are no research reports in the system at present, but will be added as and when a research is completed or over time]

Access information on all the applicable guidelines, rules, and regulations related to health research (being added…).

Access a “Researchers’ Directory” containing information on the national and international researchers doing research in Papua New Guinea (will be added soon…).

Governance of Health Research:

Performance Monitoring and Research (MER) Branch, NDoH:
Performance Monitoring and Research Branch within NDoH is responsible for overall coordination, implementation and monitoring of health research in PNG as stipulated by Policy # 9 of National Health Research Policy (2012).

Specifically, the Health Research Unit within the Performance Monitoring and Research Branch is responsible for
** Identifying priority health concerns for research in PNG in consultation with stakeholders including policy-makers and program managers in NDoH
** Developing and disseminating research guidelines and standards in consultation with other stakeholders
** Managing the research grant of NDoH
** Establishing and managing PNG Health Research Portal which includes a National health research registry and public repository of final research reports.
** Serve as Secretariat for national health research ethics review committee (Medical Research Advisory Committee)
** Recommending issuance of entry visas where required for approval of medical and health research proposal by an external researcher.
** Coordinating and responding to all research requirements and enquiries from domestic or external researchers.

Approval process/requirements for outside researchers:
Identify a domestic collaborator: All external research must be conducted in collaboration with a PNG domestic research institute or a researcher.
** A research protocol must be developed and should be approved by researcher institute’s ethics review committee and/or collaborating PNG research institute ethics review committee (if the institute has one).
** The protocol should be submitted online via PNG health research portal for approval by Medical Research Advisory Committee (MRAC)
** Research may be started only after approval by MRAC
** Annual progress report (for multi-year research projects), and Final Technical Report (within one year of the stipulated end-date of research project) and complete data set (within two years of the stipulated end-date of research project) must be submitted to Performance Monitoring and Research Branch via PNG Health Research Portal.


Principal Contact:
Dr. Urarang Kitur
Manager, Performance Monitoring and Research Branch
National Department of Health, Papua New Guinea
Phone: +675 301 3650
Mailing Address:
PO Box 807, WAIGANI 131, NCD, Papua New Guinea

Technical Support Contact:
Ms. Manah Dindi
Phone: +675 301 3685

Categories: Papua New Guinea

View Comments (2)

  • Please help me to register. I am PhD student from the Papua New Guinea University of Technology. I have been trying unsuccessfully from 2016 and I desperately need the research Ethics approval to complete my research by the end of 2018. Could you help me to register so that I could submit my proposal?

  • I tried to register using the link provided for registration but could not go through? What can I do? © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map