iccc.gov.pg Trade Practice Complaint Online Papua New Guinea : Independent Consumer & Competition Commission

Name of the Organization : Independent Consumer & Competition Commission
Type of Facility : Trade Practice Complaint Online
Country : Papua New Guinea

Website : iccc [dot] gov [dot] pg
Lodge Complaint Online: https://www.iccc.gov.pg/

ICCC Trade Practice Complaints

The Market Conduct Rules under the ICCC Act prohibits behaviour that restricts competition in the market.

Related : Ombudsman Make Your Complaint Online Papua New Guinea : www.statusin.org/8161.html

As part of its enforcement and adjudication role under the ICCC Act, the ICCC investigates alleged trade practice complaints of actual/potential contraventions of the Market Conduct Rules and takes appropriate actions to remedy these contraventions.

The ICCC also initiate its own enquiry into any potential anti-competitive conduct in the market place. This function of the ICCC is important to ensure compliance of the ICCC Act by persons/businesses doing commerce in Papua New Guinea. By doing so, the ICCC promotes and protects the competitive process in the PNG markets and its resultant benefits to consumers and businesses.

If you wish to make a complaint about an alleged breach of the ICCC Act we ask that you contact the ICCC and supply the following information.

Business/Personal details (so that we can maintain contact with you):
** Your full name
** Designation
** Your full address and contact details (Postal address, telephone, fax, and email details).

Details of the Complaint (so that we can assess the complaint quickly):
** The name of the party/s that you are complaining about.
** The address and contact details of the party/s, if known.
** Full details of the complaint you wish to make in chronological order; this should include all contact you have had with the party/s concern and any explanation that that party/s concern has given you.
** What you think are actions/conducts that may potentially breach the ICCC Act.

Other helpful materials would include:
** Copies of any correspondence between you and the party/s concern concerning the matter of complaint.
** Any other information or documents that you feel could assist the ICCC to assess your complaint.

How to submit your complaint:
Email this to information AT iccc.gov.pg

Post your complaint to:
Independent Consumer and Competition Commission
P.O Box 6394, Boroko, National Capital District.

Register your complaint through telephone 325 2144

What to do when making a complaint:
In the event that you, a consumer, encounter a problem regarding the supply or quality of goods or any other related issues with the ICCC, do the following:

A consumer may:
contact the Commission on its toll free number 180 3333, or
call at any of the offices shown on the contact us page, or
use the information provided in this page to write to the trader or speak with the trader, or

Complete the online complaint/enquiry form below and submitting it to the ICCC:
Lodging a complaint:
The ICCC is interesting in receiving complaints from consumers on matters relating to the supply of goods and services and also any issues relating to the ICCC.

Categories: Papua New Guinea
Tags: iccc.gov.pg

View Comments (2)

  • Hi, please can you inform me where your office in Goroka is located?

    Kind Regards,
    Gloria Mahabi

  • Please can you send some of your officers to the buses that runs at 14mile-15-17mile.
    They have increase the busfires up to k3 and that affects most of the students who live around here...
    Please we really need your help.

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