Applying For Taxpayer Identification Number Papua New Guinea : Internal Revenue Commission

Name of the Organization : Internal Revenue Commission
Type of Facility : Applying For Taxpayer Identification Number
Country : Papua New Guinea
Website :

How To Apply For IRC TIN?

The Internal Revenue Commission (IRC) requires individuals and businesses to register if they meet certain requirements. The instructions below follow the format of the registration form, providing instructions about how to complete each section of the form.

Related / Similar Facility : IRC Income Tax For Individuals Papua New Guinea

Step 1 : Go to the official website of Internal Revenue Commission through the URL provided above.

Step 2 : Select Forms & Guide tab in the home page and Click Taxpayer Identification Number TIN link.

Step 3 : Download the form and fill the form

How To Do Non-Individual Entity Registration?

Use this section of the guide to complete the TIN1 Form, Non-Individual Entity Registration

Guidance on how to complete each of the fields in the form is provided in the below :
If modifying an existing registration – type of modification:
This field only needs to be completed if you are already registered with the IRC and would like to change some element of your registration details.

For example, you may wish to provide updated contact information, notify the IRC of a change in ownership or corporate structure, or open / close a tax account. State the reason for submitting the form in your own words.

Enterprise Information :
Provide the basic information about the entity being registered.

Main Enterprise :
If your entity is part of a group of companies or part of some other structure then tick yes if this is the owner/controller of the others. Tick no, if it is a subsidiary to another entity. If your entity is not a part of any such group, tick ‘yes’.

Registered Name :
Write the official name of your entity, as registered with the Investment Promotion Authority (IPA).

Trading Name :
If your entity uses a different name from the Registered Name in conducting its business, write that name.

Business Reg Date :
This is the date on which the entity was registered with the IPA.

Business Activity Start Date :
This is the date on which business operations / activities commenced. Note : if you commenced business operations before registering with the IPA, please write the actual date that you commenced operations.

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Close Date :
This space is only used if closing down an entity (such as winding up a company). Write the date on which the entity closed down.

Representative Contact Information :
This block contains the details of the person(s) representing your entity, such as a Chief Executive Officer (CEO), or possibly a lawyer or tax agent.

Main Contact Name :
The name of the primary representative for your entity. This is the person to whom the IRC will address any questions regarding your entity.

E-mail Address :
The e-mail address of the main contact.

Contact Title :
Choose the title from the list that best describes the representative. Only use the ‘Other’ category if the representative does not fit into any of the titles listed.

Phone Number 1 :
The number on which the representative should be contacted in the first instance.

Phone Number 2 :
An alternate number that will be used should there be no answer on Phone Number 1.

Fax Number :
If your representative has a Facsimile Machine, write the number here.

Second Contact Name :
This is the name of the person who will be contacted by the IRC should the main representative not be available. The rest of the fields in this section relate to this second contact person.

Documentation Requirements For Companies

Resident Companies :
If Registered through the Department of Commerce and Industry (DCI) :
Certificate of Incorporation

If registered through the Investment Promotion Authority (IPA) :
Certificate of Incorporation
Company Extract

Non-Resident Companies :
Foreign certificate of registration from the country of incorporation

Proof of Identity (POI) Requirements :
To apply for a TIN, taxpayers must provide a valid Passport or Driver’s Licence. In exceptional circumstances, if a taxpayer has neither a Passport nor a Driver’s Licence then the IRC may accept a combination of other forms of Proof of Identity (POI)

Functions of IRC Papua New Guinea

The Internal Revenue Commission (IRC) is the government agency responsible for the administration and enforcement of tax laws in Papua New Guinea (PNG). It is the primary tax authority in the country and plays a crucial role in revenue collection for the government.

The IRC is responsible for a wide range of tax-related functions, including:
Tax Registration:
The IRC is responsible for registering taxpayers, both individuals and businesses, for various tax types such as income tax, goods and services tax (GST), and fringe benefits tax.

Tax Assessment:
The IRC assesses tax liabilities based on the information provided by taxpayers in their tax returns. It ensures that taxpayers comply with their tax obligations and calculates the amount of tax payable.

Tax Collection:
Once tax liabilities are determined, the IRC collects taxes from taxpayers through various methods, such as direct payment, installment arrangements, or withholding taxes at the source.

Categories: Papua New Guinea

View Comments (47)

  • I have been paying income taxes to IRC for more than 20 years but never submit any form of claim application to refund some of my money. Who is responsible to assist me to claim my Tax returns? Please help me.

  • Desperate for needy clients in remote locations of Madang for TIN and COC processing in order to open business accounts. Need a specific email from IRC for me to email forms over and besides how long does it take for the documents to be emailed back to me please?

  • I have lodged my tin application through Registrations @ and it was acknowledged but still waiting for my tin certificate for months.
    How much do you need to fast track the process, K1000? K2000?

  • Can someone from TIN Section send me a copy of NFA's Tin Certificate Copy? I need it urgently as Custom's need to register in their system to release our items for clearance.

  • I sense that IRC is not responding promptly on the TIN application lodged by clients all around the country. Please upgrade the online TIN application lodgement system for the sake of efficiency like what the IPA is doing for the online registration.

  • I've calling IRC on Phone 322 6737 / 6722 /6741 to get email address of the officer to forward my TIN Application form all afternoon yesterday and this morning. Nobody is answering the calls. Can someone out there help me to fwd me email address to forward this TIN Application?

  • Can I have email address for IRC help desk to direct my queries? We in remote location and how can we get in contact with IRC to help individuals to get their TIN?

  • I'm trying to apply for Taxpayer Registration Certificate. Please kindly provide me information on how to apply.

  • I have been working in PNG for the last 9 years. Is it possible to get the certificate form IRC?

  • I am trying to download the TIN application but cant download. Can you send me the application form?

  • It is said that the TIN#/CERTIFICATE covers all tax obligations. Does that mean, we are automatically registered for GST and all the other taxes as well? Apparently, small contractors have been convinced that they are automatically GST registered. Can you please help?

  • How can I obtain my C.O.C and T.I.N as I need to open my business account and that is part of the requirements? Your help is greatly appreciated.

    • How can I obtain my C.O.C and TIN as I need to open my business account and that is part of the requirements? Your help is greatly appreciated.

  • Does IRC issue Certificate of Compliance (COC) to overseas company doing business here in PNG?

  • My contractor Sawaring Building & Maintenance had applied for the Tin no# and certificate. However I've got my TIN# 500375736. Could I have the TIN certificate?


    • My tin application is under this company's name Nugalbim Resource Owners LTD. I have submitted and are still waiting for My tin name. Please check and advise.

  • I have given my TIN application to the IRC team visited Vanimo town. Please I am still waiting for my Tin to open my business account.

  • I have already registered a local company and would like to apply for TIN.
    I really need it immediately.

  • I have registered a media company and started operating for three days now and need to open bank account for the company. So would like to fill a Taxpayer Identification Form and submit online. So how do I go about it?

  • Can I lodge my TIN Application via email?
    What is the correct email address to use for TIN Lodgements?
    Please respond.
    Thank you.
    James Rakie, lihir island

  • How long will it take to process my tin Number?
    Since consultancy service produce tin on same day service and I'm confuse. Is this the tin form IRC office or else?

  • I need to apply for TIN so that I can open my groups account with BSP Bank now. Which Non-TIN Form do I use and how will I proceed?

  • When a bidder gives a TIN, How can it be reconfirmed that the TIN belongs to that particular company?

  • I have registered a Business Name and generate an revenue below K100,000 per annum. Does GST apply?

  • I have lodged my tin application with Irc Oro branch waited for 4-5 months now and had to fly over to Irc pom and just found out as it's not been registered. Do I have to apply again?

  • I am the sole owner of the business. I have registered with IPA under business names act,what type of TIN Form should I fill to get a TIN Number?

  • How long will it take to process a TIN# for a newly registered Taxpayer?
    Will it take a few days or more than a week?

  • I've tried emailing my tin 2 form for registration but the email server could not deliver my email. How can I go about now, is this the right address?

  • I urgently need the TIN to open bank account to process payment. Application was sent in March 2016. Please can someone help?


  • I need immediately the TIN Certificate for the DOW FOURS CONSTRUCTION SERVICES to be sent either in soft or hard copy to my company for the processment of the opening of the company account. Please do assist at your end,thanks!

  • We did complete the TIN forms and got just the TIN # through our email. Please can you officers also send the soft copy through our email? Its taken nearly two months now.

  • I am requesting the TIN # 500502766 CERTIFICATE for YANAMA RETAIL TRADING. I am requesting on behalf of my client Mr Dava Malua from Lalok village, Bugati area in Astrolabe Bay LLG Council, Madang. He was waiting for his TIN Certificate for nearly two months now.

  • Why is the commercial banks rejecting our I'd photos and state DEC to open business accounts and could somebody elaborate on that? They only accept driver license and passports. What is the difference?

  • Its been more than one month since I lodged my application. I have not received my number yet.
    Please help me. Business name is Damau Trading.


  • I've applied for my individual business "Tounz Welding & Fabricating Maintenance Service" COC in October 2015. Please if it's ready then email it[AT]

    Thanks for your kind assistance.

  • Please send tin number for waldu fermentry and manjikwaruwi community development business group as possible. Thank you.

  • I am still waiting for TIN form. KALOU TRADING email last two weeks ago. Email to REX PYATI or WENDY PAUL

  • Do Cooperative Societies also pay taxes to the government? And we also going to fill out a TIN 1 form with IRC? © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map