nmsa.gov.pg Ships Registration Papua New Guinea : National Maritime Safety Authority

Name of the Organization : National Maritime Safety Authority
Type of Facility : Ships Registration
Country : Papua New Guinea

Website : http://nmsa.gov.pg/
Download Forms: http://nmsa.gov.pg/

Ships Registration :

National Maritime Safety Authority (NMSA) has the obligation to advise the ship-owners about the current legal requirements for Ship Registration prior purchasing a vessel, and also, Department of Transport will advise the prospective owner that, along with the application for a Coasting Trade License the prospective owner will require formal clearance from the NMSA that the vessel is constructed up to the safety standards for vessels required by PNG laws, for operation in PNG waters.

Related : Industries Authority Security Company Registration Papua New Guinea : www.statusin.org/8155.html

When a suitable ship has been identified, the prospective ship-owner need to look at ship’s plans, documentation, Class and statutory certificates of the ship and send copies to the NMSA in order to check them and assess for ship design, ships technical condition, tonnage measurement, load-line calculation, equipment installed on board, and intact stability criteria.

The NMSA strongly recommends all ship-owners applying to register their vessel under the PNG flag to apply for full registration.

The requirements for permanent registration are:
1. Application for registration – FORM R 4
2. Registration fees payment confirmation (copy of receipt)
3. Bill of sale in original endorsed by the IRC (Customs) – FORM R 6
4. Declaration of ownership – FORM R7
5. Tonnage certificate
6. Load Line certificate
7. Vessel’s particulars
8. Class and Statutory Certificates issued by a RO (IACS member), and valid for minimum 6 months from the date of purchase.
9. A Safety Certificate issued by RO (IACS member) – stating the condition of the vessel at the time of delivery to new owner.
10. Previous Certificate of Registry
11. Deletion Certificate in original
12. Builders certificate
13. Stability book
14. GA plan

After receiving all above documents, the Authority will register the “Bill of Sale” (if Registrar has not received a copy when issued the provisional certificate) and produce and forward to the owner the “Carving and Marking Note”, stating what and how the vessel should be permanently and conspicuously marked.

After the vessel has been marked in the prescribed manner, an authorized surveyor should confirm these by signing the “Carving and Marking Note”.

As soon as the Carving and Marking Note is signed by the surveyor it should be forwarded to this Authority. On receipt of carving note NMSA will be in a position to issue the Certificate of Registry and other statutory documents without delay, enabling the vessel to sail under PNG flag to her final destination.

Application Form:
There is no application form in place at present. Ship owners, lawyers, bankers etc who want to do inspections and search of ships register for a particular ship should provide a written letter together with legal documents for this exercise to be carried out by NMSA.

At the moment, there are no fees applicable for inspection and search of register to be carried out. NMSA will later have this in place.

Search Ship’s Register: http://nmsa.gov.pg/

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Tags: nmsa.gov.pg
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