Security Company Registration Papua New Guinea : Industries Authority

Name of the Organization : Security Industries Authority
Type of Facility : Security Company Registration
Country : Papua New Guinea

Website :

How To Do SIA Security Company Registration?

Steps To Register A Security Company :
** Incorporate a company with the Investment Promotion Authority (IPA), Papua New Guinea and have a Certificate of Incorporation issued by the Registrar of companies.
** Get a GST Compliance Certificate from the Internal Revenue Commission (IRC) by making a formal application .

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** Complete a Company Profile
** Fill in Form 3 A- Application for Security License together with the Security Officers /Guards profile ( all guards will have separate profiles having their particulars)
** Pay the class of security License (e.g class B) together with guards Permit fees in to the Security Industries Account.(see below)
** Attach copies of the IPA Certificate of Incorporation, the GST compliance certificate, Company Profile, Form 3A and guards profile with bank deposits slip and present them to the Authority.
** A time limit of 7 days after the payment is made for vetting purposes before the security providers licenses and guards permits are signed by the Register and posted to clients or personally collected. All the guards permits and the security providers license are valid for 1 year from the date of issue.
** No security providers license and guards permits will be issued to clients for payments made by personal cheque until after the cheques are cleared by the bank as safety measure against fraudulent practices.
** There will be no part payments for security providers license and guards permits fees. And all fees shall be paid together in full.
** All security companies shall have a bank account similar to the names of their security companies to do business with the Security Industries Authority.

To promote good governance and transparency only companies registered with IPA and have GST compliance Certificate from IRC will be permitted to register a security company with the Security Industries Authority. There will be no part payments for license and permits fees. All cheque payments for licenses and permits will be issued only after the cheques are cleared by the bank as safety measure against fraudulent practices.

Banking particulars:
The Security Industries Authority does not collect cash or cheque from the clients and therefore advises all persons applying for security license and permits to first deposit their fees in to our bank account and thereafter bring the receipts to the Authority as a proof before a license and guards permits are processed and issued.
1. Name of Account- Security Industries Authority
2. Name of Bank- ANZ Port Moresby branch
3. Account Number- 1230- 6989

SIA Requirements To Register Your Company

Security Industries Authority (SIA)  Requirements To Register Your Company:
** IPA Compliance Certificate
** IPA Abstract of Company
** Completed Form 3A
** Company Profile
** Completed Security Guard Profile
** Applications will be considered upon full compliance only

Minimum Wage requirements:
The current government minimum wage requirement is K2.29 per hour but despite this it has been reported to the Authority by security guards from various companies that they were been paid below the K2.29 per hour. We advise the complainants to register their complaint with the Labor Department’s Industrial Section to investigate these type of allegations. Because the Security Industries Authority has no powers under the Security Protection Act to investigate such allegations and penalize offending security companies.

SIA Request For Firearms

Security Industries Authority (SIA) Request for Firearms by private security companies:
The Security Protection Act 2004 does not empower the Registrar to issue firearms license to private security companies for security related duties. Despite this private security companies are still making presentations to the Registrar for approval to purchase weapons. The Registrar urges all security company owners to write direct to the Police Commissioner Who is the Registrar of Firearms under the Firearms Act or to enquire with the OIC Firearms section at the Police HQ Konedobu on Telephone 3226289.

Warning against engagement of unlicensed security companies and unpermitted guards:
To promote transparency, good governance, and to protect the integrity of the industry the security industry players, service receivers and the general public are warned that it is an offence under Section 50 of the Security Protection Act 2004 to engage an unlicensed security company for business purposes.

It is also an offence under Section 51 of the Security Protection Act for person’s or entities to engage security guards without permits. And offences under section 50 and 51 carries a penalty of K1000 fine each. We therefore urge person (s) or entities intending to engage the services of private security companies for business purposes to first contact the Security Industries Authority staff to ensure that the security company(s) they intent to engage are licensed and have permits issued to all their employed guards.

Categories: Papua New Guinea

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