nhc.gov.pg Apply For BSS Home Ownership Scheme Papua New Guinea : National Housing Corporation

Name of the Organization : National Housing Corporation of PNG
Type of Facility : Apply For BSS Home Ownership Scheme
Country : Papua New Guinea

Website : http://www.nhc.gov.pg/home.html

What is Build Sell and Share Concept (BSSC)?

The Build Sell and Share Concept (BSSC) marketing and Marketing Team relies on the NHC corporate work plan to function efficiently and productively.

Related / Similar Facility : IPO Papua New Guinea Industrial Designs Registration

Similar to a business plan, our internal divisional work plan for the team is strategic proposal that outlines how the team will be structured and operate. Our work plan is derived primarily from the overall objective of the National Government through the National Housing Corporation entailing the following basic elements.

“The BSSC Marketing and Mortgage Division is aimed at providing affordable housing for all its citizens who can afford it from the public or private sector”

The Build Sell and Share concept team is governed by the mission statement that sets out the parameters of our involvement and is primarily to market the product that is aimed to reach the target population who can affort it to make it to the end product which is livable, comfortable, accessible, conducive to human consumption and measurable against the norm.

Business Structure:
To carry out our mission statement successfully, the BSSC Mortgage and Marketing Team is clearly structured, with key responsibilities allocated appropriately across our marketing spectrum. Within this section our corporate plan, the team is structured by Role Mandates from the General Manager and Team member roles as stiputlated here-under.

How To Apply For BSS Home Ownership Scheme?

To Apply for BSS Home Scheme, Follow the below steps

ANZ Bank Housing Loan Arrangement :
In a landmark initiative undertaken by the Acting Managing Director under the PPP arrangement between the ANZ Bank and the NHC, a new housing loan office has been established within the Corporations head office at Tokarara. ( MD to liaise with DPM Secretary John Kali ) with The office will be available within the next three (3) weeks and it is envisioned for the Prime Minister Hon. Peter O’Neill to officially open. Once ready and available, the facility will strictly cater for individuals seeking housing loan through the ANZ Bank.

Home buyers can have access to home financing from within the price range of between K200, 000 K250, 000. At this juncture, NHC has a list of over 35,000 potential home buyers who have lodged their interest to purchase homes but there is a very serious supply problem against the demand

Home Loan Owner:
** Rate: 8.95% (Variable)
** Term: 25 years
** Equity: 20%
** Repayment not tp exceed 35% of salary (Net take home pay)

Home Loan Requirements:
** Complete BSS Credit Application Form
** Letter of Confirmation of employment from employer or copy of contracts
** Letter of confirm of employers Home Ownership Scheme support/contribution (if any)
** Copy of employment Identification card, Drivers License/Passport or any other form of Identification
** Copies of 3 recent pay slips
** Copies of Bank Statements (last 6months) for salary/savings accounts
** Copies of Loan statements from last six months from other banks or financial institutions
** Copies of Superannuation statements from POSF,NASFUND or any other superannuation funds
** Evidence of other assets that can be used as colleteral (eg: Motor vehicle, property etc)
** Copies of other information that could be used to support your application


Should have any questions to ask, do not hesitate to ask our Sales and Marketing Team on: Telephone numbers: 325 2296/ 325 4324

Categories: Papua New Guinea
Tags: nhc.gov.pg

View Comments (3)

  • This is a good initiative by NHC and the government, but there are more than 35,000 people already submitted their interest application and maybe some already approved/yet to approve. What will happen to those who are interested to apply now? The problem is because the land is very scary and the demand is very high.

    I am serving public servant who also interested but before this was initiated I submitted my EOI way back in 2002/2003 and still waiting. Please advise accordingly on what has happen to those ones submitted on those previous years.

    • Just by looking at the scope of requirements and eligibility. I just can't afford to have a home of my own as a hard working youngman contributing to this nation building.Png is so much expensive and a one sided government with unproductive plans at all. Better come up with alternative ways so that simple people like us have a home as well

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