Personnel Licensing Application Papua New Guinea : Civil Aviation Safety Authority

Name of the Organization : Civil Aviation Safety Authority
Type of Facility : Personnel Licensing Application
Country : Papua New Guinea

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Personnel Licensing Application :

The Civil Aviation Safety Authority is responsible for the issue of Air Traffic Services, Flight Crew and Maintenance Engineer personnel licences in Papua New Guinea. This includes ensuring that the requirements of ICAO Annex 1, Civil Aviation Act 2000 and Civil Aviation Rules and Regulations are met.

Related : Civil Aviation Safety Authority Personnel Licensing Application Papua New Guinea :

In addition to issuance and records keeping, the personnel licensing department also validates foreign licenses, facilitates transfer of licenses to ICAO member states and supports CASA audit teams. Basic objectives of the personnel licensing department include:
** that appropriate training for the performance of specific activities in connection with aircraft operation is assured; and
** that States are satisfied as to the ability and qualification of the holders of licences issued by ICAO contracting States.

The Personnel Licensing process involves both examination and testing to confirm satisfactory knowledge and skill as well as relevant medical reports.

Licensing Application Forms and Related Downloads can be found below.

Download Forms :

All CASA PNG internal examinations are conducted weekly on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1 pm except authorized public holidays (which is advertised before hand).

Flying Operations:
The Civil Aviation Safety Authority is responsible for conducting the audit, inspection and surveillance of Air Operators to ensure that minimum requirements as directed under ICAO and CAR safety standards are met. This includes:
** Implementation of Flying Operations Audit & Surveillance Plans and Programmes
** Inspection and reporting on fixed wing operations to ensure safety standards are maintained
** Examination and flight testing
** Promotion, consultation and communications with industry on Flying Operations issues.

Aviation Security:
Aviation security is designed to safeguard Papua New Guinea’s civil aviation operations against “acts of unlawful interference”. Both the Minister for Transport and Aviation, and the Civil Aviation Safety Authority of PNG (CASA PNG) are responsible for the development and implementation of a framework of consistent aviation security measures.

The Aviation Security Branch provides policy advice to the Director CASA PNG, on aviation security, recommends standards for aviation security measures, and tests, monitors and evaluates compliance with those standards, policies and procedures consistent with the Civil Aviation Act 200 (as amended) and relevant Civil Aviation Rule Parts, including CAR Parts 139 and 140.

The Branch evaluates compliance through monitoring and testing the performance of aviation security outcomes by industry and associated agencies, which are aimed at the deterrence, detection and prevention of attempted acts of unlawful interference through:
** policy development and implementation based on sound risk assessment and risk management practices;
** the development and introduction of aviation security standards via legislation. The standards are designed to consider PNG’s aviation security risk and also to implement international (International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Annex 17) standards;
** responding to increased threat and risk advice through the recommendation of the implementation of additional security measures as appropriate;
** evaluating compliance with PNG’s aviation security standards by airline, airport and international cargo regulated agents
** disseminating appropriate intelligence advice to the aviation industry
** oversight of aviation security exercises to improve industry and other aviation users’ ability and skills to respond to aviation security incidents, and increasing overall airport security awareness
** maintaining and further improving a system to be consistent with ICAO standards in Annex 17 governing the carriage of cargo, mail and other goods.

The Civil Aviation Safety Authority of Papua New Guinea participates in international aviation security policy formulation through its membership of ICAO.

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Email: info AT
Phone: +675 325 7320
Fax: +675 325 1789

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