: Make Your Complaint Online Papua New Guinea

Name of the Organization : Ombudsman Commission of Papua New Guinea
Type of Facility : Make Your Complaint Online
Country : Papua New Guinea

Website :

Make Your Complaint Online :

Anyone can lay a complaint with the Ombudsman Commission.

Related : Independent Consumer & Competition Commission Trade Practice Complaint Online Papua New Guinea :

This can be either done by telephone or letter, or calling in personally at the Ombudsman Commission Head Office in Deloitte Tower, Port Moresby or at the Regional Office in Mt Hagen – Western Highlands Province, Kokopo – East New Britain Province and Lae – Morobe Province.

Once you have finished filling out the relevant details, you can send it to our address via the postal service, or you can fax it to us, and email as well. See full list of contacts.

Submit Your Complaint Online Now :

You can also submit your complaint on our website by completing the Online Complaint Form

What happens when you make a complaint?:
** When you contact the Ombudsman Commission, an officer will record all the relevant information about your complaint.
** This officer will check whether the Commission has the power to investigate your complaint. If it cannot investigate, it usually refers your case to an agency that can investigate.

** If the commission approve your case for investigation, it may ask you for more supporting information such as letters or other documents.
** The ombudsman commission will contact the relevant agency or department to hear what they have to say about your complaint. Many complaints are resolved at this stage.

** If the course of the problem is not clear and no solution is offered, it will investigate further. It has the power to call on the Heads of Department to produce all files, documents and relevant papers relating to your complaint. It can summon any person to give evidence in connection with the investigation.

** It provides opportunity for anyone against whom adverse findings are likely to be made to be heard and defend themselves. This can take time.
** Once the OC is satisfied that it has found out as much as it can about the case, the Commission writes a final report containing findings, opinions and recommendations about the matter.

** When the investigation is complete, the investigating officer will write to you to tell you the outcome.

How long will the Ombudsman Commission take to attend to your complaint?:
It is hard to say how quickly the Commission will be able to resolve to your complaint. It will depend on how many complaints the OC need to attend to, how complex your case is and how much cooperation OC receives from government and agencies.

Will the information you give to the Commission become public knowledge?:
All information obtained by the Ombudsman Commission through its investigation is confidential, even details of the complainant are confidential. This to ensure that its investigation are not jeopardised. The Commission however, will only reveal information that it believes is necessary to its investigations.

All officers of the Commission have taken an oath to promise that they will keep secret all information relating to cases it is investigating.

Can the Ombudsman Commission enforce its recommendations?:
The Ombudsman Commission requires the department or agency to report back with the actions they will take to address the Commission’s recommendations. If the department or agencies fail to report back, the Commission will follow up to find out why it has failed to address the Commission’s recommendation.

Through the Governmental Body Liaison Program, the commission has established links with government agencies like Police, correctional Services and Education Department. Liaison officers are appointed for each agency to work with Commission in resolving complaints. This process enables the commission to effectively resolve complaints. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map