Apply For Birth/ Legitimation Certificate Grenada : Ministry of Health

Name of the Organization : Ministry of Health
Type of Facility : Apply For Birth/ Legitimation Certificate
Country : Grenada

Website :

Health Apply For Birth/ Legitimation Certificate

Birth Certificate:
Information required to obtain a Birth/Legitimation Certificate:
Birth of …………………………………………………… (Name/s of person)
Date of Birth ……………………………………………………………………..

Related : Ministry of Health Apply For Marriage Certificate & Special License Grenada :

Where born ………………………………………………………………………
Father’s Name …………………………………………………………………..
Mother’s Name ………………………………………………………………….
Mother’s Maiden Name …………………………………………………………
Name of Applicant ………………………………………………………………
Address of Applicant …

Download Form

Fee Enclosed:
EC $10.00 (EC $7.00 FEE and EC $3.00 return postage)

Make International Postal Order payable to Deputy Registrar

Transmit From And Fee To:
Deputy Registry-General
Births, Death and Marriage
Ministry of Health
1st Floor, Ministerial Complex
Botanical Garden, Tanteen
St. George’s
Tel: (473) 440-2806

Related Post

Amendment/s, Registration of names, Insertion of father’s name, To legitimate:
Amendment/s to be made to birth, death or marriage record after one year of the event must be done by an affidavit.

Registration of names should be done within one year of the child’s birth. After one year a late fee of $5.00 will be charged. Names can be inserted by producing a baptismal certificate or an affidavit.

Insertion of father’s name can be done at the joint request of both parents within the first year of the child’s birth. Parents must appear with their ID at the District office. If the child is over one year both parents must swear an affidavit and come to the Registrar General’s Department with their ID to sign. If the Mother is deceased a relative on her side (Mother’s side) and the father must swear the affidavit. Parent/s who are abroad can appoint someone (except the child) to sign on their behalf

To legitimate a birth an affidavit sworn to by both parents or any of the parents together with their (Parents) marriage certificate must be submitted. The Parent/s swearing the affidavit must appear with their ID in the Registrar General’s Department to sign the Register.

All Affidavits sworn to abroad must be Notarized.

FEES (Stamp included) :
Birth & Death Certificate : $07.00
Marriage Certificate : $15.00
Late registration of names : $05.00
Insertion of Father’s Name : $17.00
Amendments : $17.00
Registration of Legitimization : $17.00
Registration of Adoption : $17.00
Statement of Birth : $07.00
Non-marriage certificate : $27.00

Health Promotion Resource Centre :
The Health Promotion Resource Centre is the part of the Health Promotion Division which provides an assortment of health promotion and health education resource materials, models and tool kits to health and other professionals.

It is a source of excellent support to teachers, students and members of the public through the provision of updated and accurate health information on a wide range of health issues including ways to pursue healthy lifestyles. The centre also creates an opportunity to assist persons in developing skills and techniques which would aid in the delivery of health promotion and education services as well as enhance their own lives. The Resource Centre is a key element in community outreach and dissemination of up-to-date health information.

The aim of the Health Promotion Division Resource Centre is to provide the highest quality up-to-date health information to our clients and patrons. Our diverse collection includes journals and periodicals, current books on health and development issues as well as audio visual materials, and access to a computer base data as an additional reference tool. The Resource Centre also has a collection of health promotion/education tool kits, and resources available to health and other professionals as a guide to assisting others in healthy lifestyles choices.

Contact Address :
Ministry of Health
Ministerial Complex
Southern Wing 1st & 2nd Floor
Botanical Gardens
Tanteen, St. George’s
Tel : (1-473) 440-2649 / 2806 / 2846 / 2955 / 3485/ 4955 / 4947 / 9311
Fax : (1-473) 440-4127 / 6848 / 7017
E-Mail : min-healthgrenada AT

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