vivote.gov Register To Vote U.S. Virgin Islands : Election Systems

Name of the Organization : Election Systems of Virgin Islands
Type of Facility : Register To Vote
Country : United States Virgin Islands

Website : https://vivote.gov/voters/register-to-vote/

Register To Vote :

What are the requirements to be a registered voter in the Virgin Islands?:
** VoteMust be a citizen of the United States
** Must be eighteen years of age or turn 18 before the next election

Related : Election Systems Public Records Inspection U.S. Virgin Islands : www.statusin.org/8171.html

** Must meet the residency requirement
** Must be residing in the territory at least (90) days before a primary or General election.
** Must be residing in the election district at least ninety (90) days.
** Not be convicted felon who has not been discharged or pardoned.
** Not have been adjudged mentally incompetent as to your ability to vote by a court of competent jurisdiction.
** Not be registered elsewhere – in any other State or Territory of the United States or in any foreign country or any other election district.

What documents are required for registration?:
** Birth Certificate or
** Passport (United States) or
** Military Discharge form (DD214) and a
** Naturalization Certificate

Copied documents will not be accepted.

How can I apply to register to vote?:
Apply in person at one of the following locations below.

Polling Place Prohibited Activities :
** It is the policy of the Joint Boards of Elections that no electioneering will be permitted within the fenced area of any polling place, and not within 100 feet from the main entrance or gate of any polling place in the Virgin Islands. The 100-foot policy will be in effect for all directions surrounding the polling place, known as the (Non Electioneering Zone).

** As used in this document, “electioneering” includes any oral, printed, or written attempt to persuade persons to refrain from voting or to vote for or vote against any candidate or issue.

On the day of any election, within any polling site, a person may not:
a. Do any electioneering;
b. Circulate cards or handbills of any kind;

c. Engage in any practice that interferes with the freedom of voters to vote or disrupts the administration of the polling site;
d. A person may not obstruct the doors or entries to a building in which a polling place is located or prevent free access to and from any polling place;

It is prohibited for any person, directly or indirectly, by himself or by any other person on his behalf, to make use of any force, violence or restraint, or to inflict or threaten the infliction of, by himself or through any other person, any injury, damage, harm or loss, or in any manner to practice intimidation upon or against any person in order to induce and/or compel that person to :
a. Vote or refrain from voting for any particular person or measure at any election provided by law;
b. Vote or refrain from voting at any election.

Related Post

** It is prohibited to solicit in any manner or by any means whatsoever any person to vote for or against any candidate or proposition being voted on in such election.

** It is prohibited to hand out, place, or display campaign cards, pictures, or other campaign literature of any kind or description whatsoever within polling sites.
** It is prohibited to place or display political signs, pictures, or other forms of political advertising within polling places.

** No appointed election official or officer, shall wear any button, pin, insignia, tee shirt, hat, etc. . . . identifying him with any political candidate or faction, nor shall any such official in any manner attempt to influence any voter for or against any candidate or issue being voted on in the election being held in that polling place.

** It is prohibited for any person to intentionally, knowingly or recklessly enter a polling site with a firearm, knife, club or other weapon. This policy shall not apply to police officers or other peace officers.

St Croix:
District of St. Croix
Elections System of the Virgin
Tel: (340) 773-1021
Fax: (340) 773-4523
P.O. Box 1499
Kingshill, VI 00851-1499
Sunny Isle Annex Unit 4; 93A
St. Croix, VI 00823

For general inquiries please contact us via the following address: esvi.info AT vi.gov

St John:
District of St. John
Elections System of the Virgin Islands
Tel: (340) 776-6535
Fax: (340) 776-2391
P.O. Box 6038
St. Thomas, VI 00804
Estate Enighed, St. John VI

Office Hours: Tuesdays/Thursdays
9:00 am – 3:00 pm

St. John citizens are also able to register in the St. Thomas office.

For general inquiries please contact us via the following address: esvi.info AT vi.gov

St Thomas:
District of St. Thomas
Elections System of the Virgin Islands
Tel: (340) 774-3107
Fax: (340) 776-2391
P.O. Box 6038
St. Thomas, VI 00804
9200 Lockhart Garden Shopping

For general inquiries please contact us via the following address: esvi.info AT vi.gov

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