vivote.gov Public Records Inspection U.S. Virgin Islands : Election Systems

Name of the Organization : Election Systems of Virgin Islands
Type of Facility : Public Records Inspection
Country : United States Virgin Islands

Website : http://www.vivote.gov/content/inspection-public-records

Inspection of Public Records :

Procedures for requesting Inspection of Public Records:
A person wishing to inspect public records may submit a public records request to the designated records custodian, verbally, via e-mail or in writing.

Related : Election Systems Register To Vote U.S. Virgin Islands : www.statusin.org/8170.html

However, the procedures and penalties described in the Inspection of Public Records Act apply only to written requests. A written request must contain the name, address and telephone number of the person seeking access to the records.

The request must describe the records sought in detail so that the records custodian can identify and locate the requested records. Please refer to on-line form. If e-mailing a request to inspect public records to the designated records custodian as listed above it is recommended that the title of the subject matter of your e-mail you type in: Inspection of Public Records Request.

Inspection of public records is allowed y appointment during regular business hours 8:00 A.M to 12:00 P.M. and 1:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M., Monday through Friday – except legal holidays. Please contact the designated custodian by phone to schedule an appointment for inspection. A reasonable fee will be charged for copies.

The records custodian may request that the fees for copying public records be paid in advance, before the copies are made. A receipt showing that the fees have been paid for making copies of public records will be provided.

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Know About Voting Process:
** The voter announces his/her name and address and gives the Election Officer identification when arriving at the Officers’ Table.

** The Election Officer checks the person’s name and address against the District Register or Poll List. If everything is correct, the Election Officer places the elector’s name and serial number in the “To Whom” Register and has the voter sign his/her Signature The Election Officer records the elector numerical position on the back of the voter registration card or list and send the elector to the end of the line of persons waiting to vote.

** If the voter does not show proper identification, he/she shall complete an affidavit of affirmation that he/she is the person listed in the District Register or on the Poll List before being permitted to vote.

** If the voter is challenged for identity or residency, the Election Officers shall thereupon read to and afterwards administer to the person challenged an oath. If he takes the oath prescribed his vote shall be received, otherwise his vote shall be rejected.
** No voter may remain in the voting machine for longer than five minutes except for good and sufficient reason.

** No voter shall re-enter a voting machine after casting his/her ballot.
** No voter shall communicate with any person in the polling place except for the Election Officers.
** A voter may not be accompanied in the polling place and voting machine by a minor child.
** Persons who are not permitted to vote at that polling place as provided by law may cast a Provisional Ballot

Write-In Votes:
** If you want to make a write-in vote, press the WRITE-IN button located in the block for that office. After you press the WRITE-IN button, the red button located above the ballot will begin to flash.
** Press the flashing red button located above the ballot. The WRITEIN window will open.

Once you have pressed the flashing red button, you MUST cast your vote for that office by writing in the name of the person for whom you want to vote.
** After the WRITE-IN window has opened, neatly print the full name of the person for whom you want to vote on the paper tape.
** When you are finished printing the name of the person for whom you wish to vote, gently pull the WRITE-IN window down until it is closed.

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