vibir.gov Tax Clearance Letter/ Filing & Payment Status Report U.S. Virgin Islands : Bureau of Internal Revenue

Organization : Virgin Islands Bureau of Internal Revenue
Type of Facility : Tax Clearance Letter/ Filing & Payment Status Report
Country : United States Virgin Islands
Website http://bir.vi.gov/
Download Form : https://www.statusin.org/uploads/8177-Tax_Clearance_Application_Rev_07_2012.pdf

VIBIR Application For Tax Filing & Payment Status Report

The applicant identified below hereby requests a letter certifying his or her tax filing and payment status for the purpose of receiving a new or renewal license from the Agency requiring the clearance letter.All Incomplete Applications will be rejected.

Related / Similar Service : VIBIR U.S Excise Tax Clearance

The applicant authorizes the Virgin Islands Bureau of Internal Revenue to disclose any taxpayer information related to this application to the below listed Agency, who may make such further disclosures as are necessary to the relevant agency as required by the appropriate law.

Instructions For Forms LIC 1 & LIC 1A

Please print (except for the signature). Do not write with a pencil. Prepare this form in duplicate. Have one of the copies stamped for your record. Save this copy for future reference.

Do Not Submit A Copy Of This Application To The Agency Requiring The Clearance Letter. This form must be completed in its entirety before a letter certifying tax filing and payment status can be issued.

You are required to complete and submit a notarized affidavit (Form LIC 1A) if you have not resided in the U.S. Virgin islands and have not filed your Federal Income Tax Returns for the three years prior to this application with the Bureau, if you have been unemployed for the past three years or if you were attending school.

CORPORATIONS AND PARATNERSHIPS – List name, social security number and mailing address for corporate officers or partners. S CORPORATIONS – Also list name, social security number, and mailing address for all shareholders.

Specific Instructions

1. Line 1 – Name: The name under which the business is conducted; it may be the same as or different to the applicant’s name (i.e. john Smith DBA Smith’s Construction)

2. Line 2 – Tax Identification Number: 9-digit Employer Identification Number (EIN) issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in Philadelphia to partnerships, corporations and selfemployed individuals who pay wages to one or more employees, or 9-digit Social Security Number (SSN) issued by the Social Security Administration.

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3. Line 3 – Type of Business: What service does your business perform (i.e. Lottery Dealer, Taxi Driver)
4. Line 9 – Mailing Address: Please be sure to provide the Bureau with your current mailing address.
5. Line 13 – Contact Number: Daytime number where you may be contacted.

Mailing Address :
(St. Thomas):
6115 Estate Smith Bay Ste 225
St Thomas, VI 00802

(St. Croix):
4008 Estate Diamond Plot 7-B
Christiansted, VI 00820-4421

Email: helpdesk AT irb.gov.vi

Liquor License Tax :
** A temporary or permanent license is issued to a person or body corporate, to sell liquor.

New Liquor Licence

Step 1: Collect “New” Application Form A from any of the Inland Revenue Department locations or print form online.
Step 2: Complete the application form and submit to the Inland Revenue Department, Police Department, Magistrate Court, Fire Department, Town and Country Planning, Environmental Health & Trade Department.
Step 3: State intention to sell intoxicating liquor in two consecutive publications of any newspaper published in the B.V.I., at least two weeks prior to licensing day.
Step 4: On licensing day applicant must appear before the Magistrate, who will make a determination as to whether or not a licence will be granted. The necessary supporting documents must also be available for the Magistrate to review.
Step 5: Successful applicants will be issued a certificate specific to the type of licence granted.
Step 6: The applicant is to present the Certificate and prescribed fee to the Inland Revenue Department, which will then issue a licence.
Step 7: A Government receipt will be issued and payment is immediately reflected on the account.

Renewal Liquor Licence : (FORM A)
Step 1: Collect Renewal Application Form “A” from any of the Inland Revenue Department locations or print form online.
Step 2: Complete the application form and submit to the Inland Revenue Department, Police Department and Magistrate Court.
Step 3: On licensing day the applicant does not have to appear at court hearing however, supporting documents must accompany application to the Magistrate. The Magistrate will make a determination as to whether or not the renewal will be granted.
Step 4: Successful applicants will be issued a certificate specific to the type of license granted.
Step 5: The applicant is to present the Certificate and prescribed fee to the Inland Revenue Department, which will then issue a licence.
Step 6: A Government receipt will be issued and payment is immediately reflected on the account.

Temporary Liquor Licence

Step 1: Collect Temporary Application Form from any of the Inland Revenue Department locations, Deputy Governor’s Office or print form online.
Step 2: Complete the application form and submit to the Deputy Governor’s Office.
Step 3: Once the application is approved, a certificate is issued in respect to the type of licence granted.
Step 4: The Licence is granted for the remainder of the period leading up to the next Licensing Day. A new licence must be applied for through the Magistrate Court at the next licensing date.
Step 5: The applicant is to present the Certificate and prescribed fee to the Inland Revenue Department, which will then issue a licence.
Step 6: A Government receipt will be issued and payment is immediately reflected on the account.

Temporary Liquor Licence : (DAILY EVENTS)
Step 1: Collect Temporary Application Form “B” from any of the Inland Revenue Department locations, or print form online.
Step 2: Complete application in triplicate and submit to the Police Department.
Step 3: Applicant retrieves stamped forms from the Police Department which is to be submitted to the Magistrate Court for approval.
Step 4: Successful applicants will be issued a certificate specific to the type of licence granted.
Step 5: The applicant is to present the Certificate and prescribed fee to the Inland Revenue Department, which will then issue a licence.
Step 6: A Government receipt will be issued and payment is immediately reflected on the account.

Related Fee(s) :

Wholesale (throughout the Territory) $600.00 per annum
Retail (throughout the Territory) $150.00 per annum
Bar Licence (in Road Town) $50.00 per annum
Bar Licence (outside of Road Town) $35.00 per annum
Stills $50.00 per annum
Hotels (with less than 10 rooms) $100.00 per annum
Hotels (with 10-25 rooms) $150.00 per annum
Hotels (with 26-50 rooms) $200.00 per annum
Hotels with more than 50 rooms $300.00 per annum
Restaurants $300.00 per annum
Club $500.00 per annum
Beer Licence (in Road Town) $50.00 per annum
Beer Licence (outside of Road Town) $35.00 per annum
Temporary spirits permits $10.00 per day
Temporary beer permits $5.00 per day

Supporting Documents :
** Valid Trade Licence
** Newspaper publication (2 copies)
** Fire Department Approval
** Town & Country Planning Approval
** Environmental Health Approval

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