viport.com Leasing Port Property U.S. Virgin Islands : Port Authority

Organization : Virgin Islands Port Authority
Type of Facility : Leasing Port Property
Country: United States Virgin Islands

Website : https://www.viport.com/

Leasing Port Property :

Leasing VIPA Facilities:
Property Management Department
The Virgin Islands Port Authority offers the majority of its properties in both the aviation and marine division for lease.

Related : Lieutenant Governor Office Virgin Islands Passport Application Acceptance Facility U.S. : www.statusin.org/8173.html

Aviation properties include terminal spaces (offices, counters and concessions), cargo warehousing, and general aviation-related spaces. Marine properties include unimproved spaces for warehousing and passenger facility spaces (offices, counters and concessions) and many more.

Our director of property management oversees the control and administration of lands, facilities and other improvements under the jurisdiction of VIPA. The property management department negotiates leases, permits and contractual concession agreements, and other satellite activities pertaining to property management – including the supervision and collection of revenues for VIPA. All requests to lease property, establish a concession or to obtain permits to use VIPA’s facilities should be made in writing to the attention of the property manager.

Note that requests to use VIPA’s facilities free of charge to sponsor an event should be directed to the public relations office.

Please call (340) 774-1629 ext. 6639 or e-mail info AT viport.com.

Requesting a Donation/Contribution or Free Use of VIPA Property:
The people that use our facilities and the services provided at our ports are our greatest asset. This is why the Port Authority has consistently given back to the community we serve. Other than cash contributions, VIPA can assist your organization in various ways as well – such as providing volunteers or the use of our facility to host your event for a nominal fee. Donations are subject to the approval of the Port Authority’s executive director.

All donation and contribution requests must be made in writing to:
Public Information Officer
Virgin Islands Port Authority
P.O. Box 301707
St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands 00802
info AT viport.com
Fax: (340) 774-1629

In your letter, please be sure to include:
** The name of the person or organization requesting a donation.
** A mailing address.
** A contact person and telephone number
** The dollar amount or services requested.
** The deadline – if any – to receive the donation.

All vendors performing services or accepting a donation from the VI Port Authority are required by law to complete and submit a W9 form prior to issuance of any payment for tax purposes. Download the W9 form here.

All new vendors or persons receiving a donation or payment from the Port Authority for the first time must complete a new vendor form.

Download Forms : https://www.viport.com/

Donations, Sponsorship and Free Use of VIPA Property :
** The Virgin Islands Port Authority believes in giving back to our local and national communities, and is a strong supporter of many charitable foundations, events and activities. The following guidelines will help you submit a request for advertising support, donations or sponsorship of your activity. Please read the guidelines carefully to determine whether your request meets our criteria.
** Please note that we receive a large number of applications each year, and regret that we are unable to fill all requests.

General Criteria :
** The goal of the VI Port Authority’s giving program is to contribute to the well-being of our communities and those who live in them.

As an organization, we have decided to focus our support in the following target areas :
1. Events that enhance the U.S. Virgin Islands’ travel and tourism industry
2. Events that contribute to the U.S. Virgin Islands’ economy
3. Charities and activities targeted towards children, disadvantaged youths and schools
4. Earth and environmentally friendly causes
5. Health care
** All requests for sponsorship or a donation must be submitted to the VI Port Authority’s executive director in writing at least eight weeks prior to your event or activity.
** All requests are subject to the approval of the VI Port Authority executive director.
** Applicants should clearly outline how the funds or services provided will be used and how the Virgin Islands Port Authority will be publically acknowledged for our contribution.
** The Virgin Islands Port Authority does not support political parties, groups or events.

Mail requests to :
Executive Director
Virgin Islands Port Authority
P.O. Box 301707
St. Thomas, VI 00803
Email : info AT viport.com

If your request is approved :
Upon approval of your request, you must contact our public relations office immediately to complete:
(1.) A new vendor form if you have never done business with the VI Port Authority, and
(2.) A W-9 form for tax purposes. Download the W9 form here.
** Your donation check will not be processed until you complete and return these forms.
** Checks are processed by VIPA’s accounting office, and will be issued within 30 days after the date of approval by VIPA’s executive director.

If your request is denied :
** We regretfully cannot fund as many charitable and worthy causes as we would like to due to budget restrictions. You may contact our public relations office if you wish to discuss other ways we might be able to assist your organization.

Public Information Officer
Virgin Islands Port Authority
P.O. Box 301707
St. Thomas, VI 00803
Tel: (340) 774-1629
Fax: (340) 714-1492
Email Address : info AT viport.com

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