visupremecourt.org Case Management/ C-Track E-Filing System Virgin Islands : Supreme Court

Organization : Supreme Court of the Virgin Islands
Type of Facility : Case Management/ C-Track E-Filing System
Country: United States Virgin Islands

Website : http://www.visupremecourt.org/
E-Filing Request/ Login : https://efile.visupremecourt.org/login.do

Case Management System/ C-Track E-Filing System

Common Business Rules And Processes:
1.1 Method Of E-Filing:
There are three processes by which an e-filer can e-file.

Related : District Court Jury Evidence Recording System JERS Virgin Islands : www.statusin.org/8190.html

1. E-File on an existing case that they can see by searching the database for the case
2. E-File on an existing case that they cannot see because of security restrictions

3. E-File an initiating document on a case that does not yet exist.
Normally, the e-filer will file a document, but they may also make payments accompanying the document, or just make a payment that is associated with a docket entry.

1.2 Types Of E-Filers:
The following parties/attorneys may e-file, however, these roles and their permissions are configurable and can be changed.
** VI Bar Members
** Pro Hac Vice Attorneys
** Pro Se Parties
** Case Participants
** Committee of Bar Examiners
** Court Reporter/Transcriber
** Superior Court Clerks
** Bar Applicants

1.2.1 VI Bar Members:
All VI Bar Members are required to e-file on all cases (and all case types) unless the court orders otherwise. Each attorney must request to become an e-filer and take the test, whereupon the clerk will either accept or deny their request.

1.2.2 Pro Hac Vice Attorneys:
Pro hac vice attorneys are allowed to e-file only on cases on which they are an attorney of record. If the pro hac vice attorney is not currently an e-filer, that person must aply to be an e-filer and specifically list the case (and C-Track needs to make sure that it is a valid case), then take the test.

1.2.3 Pro Se Parties:
Pro se parties may e-file only on cases where they are listed as a pro se party. If the pro se party is not currently an e-filer, that person must apply to be an e-filer and specifically list the case (and C-Track needs to check to make sure it’s a valid case), then take the test. If it’s a new appeal, they must list the Superior Court case or state that it’s an original proceeding. Pro se parties are only allowed to file on cases on which they are a pro se party, or an Initiating Document.

1.2.4 Case Participants:
Case participants may register as an e-filer and may e-file on a case if they are designated as a participant on that case. The only exception is if they are a Participant type of “Other”. Law Firms, a valid Participant Type, are not allowed to be e-filers. Valid Participant Types (at this time) are:
** Amicus Curiae
** Guardian Ad Litem
** Mediator
** Associated Attorney
** Committee Chairperson
** Executive Director of VI Bar Association
** President of the VI Bar Association

1.2.5 Committee of Bar Examiners:
This consists of two persons who officiate on the Committee of Bar Examiners and file documents on bar cases. They are allowed to e-file on all cases

1.2.6 Court Reporters/Transcribers:
Court Reporters and Transcribers may file specific documents on cases as long as they are designated as a participant on the case with a role of either “Official Court Reporter” or “Transcriber”.

1.2.7 Superior Court Clerks:
Superior Court Clerks may e-file either new cases or on existing cases. Supreme Court Clerks will add Superior Court Clerks as e-filers. They don’t need to take the test. Superior Court Clerks may file specific documents on cases even if they are not designated as a participant on the case.

1.2.8 Bar Applicants:
Bar Applicants will be on the case with a Party Role of “Applicant”.

1.3 Confidential Cases, Sealed, And Closed Cases:
** No person can e-file on a case that is closed.
** If documents are marked as “not public” by the clerk, these documents will not be visible to the public, nor to any e-filers on the case.
** If a case is confidential (Confidential flag is checked), the case and its documents will be visible to any e-filers who are a party/participant/attorney on that case (see chart below).

** If a case is sealed, (Sealed Flag is checked – new case header details field), the case is not visible to any e-filer, although the e-filer can file an approved document on that case. Court rules state that service must be made through traditional means. E-service will consist of an email with no link to the document and that the email does not constitute service. The sealed status on a case does not affect the clerks’ ability to see and edit the case. When an e-filing is on a sealed case, all of the documents will NOT be publicly viewable. If the filing is a case that is not sealed, then all the documents WILL be publicly viewable.

** Below is a summary of the e-filer role and case type security. The security roles and components will be configurable; similar to regular C-Track user configuration. The table below provides the basic security requirements for when the system goes into production.

** No rules are changed for the public access – this table is for e-filers only.

1.4 E-Filing On New Cases:
Appeals of Superior Court cases are filed in the Supreme Court. Should the case be inadvertently filed in the Superior Court, the Superior Court Clerk will then e-file the initiating documents with the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court Clerk will check to assure that the initiating documents have not already been e-filed and the case created.

There are special screens to allow the user to e-file a document that is the initiating document on a new case. See Section 5.6 E-Filing a Document for a New Case. The e-filer submits the document and the clerk will either accept or reject the document. If the document is accepted, the clerk will create the case and associate the case to the e-filing.

1.5 Uploading Documents:
Multiple documents may be uploaded with one e-filing. C-Track will accept MS Word, WordPerfect, JPG, and TIFF files in addition to PDF, but no other file types, and C-Track will convert all non-PDF files to PDF format.

The maximum file size is 25Mb for each document in the submittal.

All documents will be file-stamped with a watermark with the date and time the e-filing was submitted to the court.

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