visitusvi.com Online Trip Booking : United States Virgin Islands

Organization : U.S. Virgin Islands
Type of Facility : Online Trip Booking
Country: United States Virgin Islands

Website : http://www.visitusvi.com/

Online Trip Booking :

Start Booking Now:
Now you can book your entire trip to the U.S. Virgin Islands in one informative and convenient place. Reserve your air travel and book your hotel all with a few simple clicks. Why not start the relaxing feelings before you even arrive? Start booking your island getaway now.

Related : Government Employees Retirement System Applying For Retirement U.S. Virgin Islands : www.statusin.org/8184.html

Book a Trip : https://www.visitusvi.com/

Frequently Asked Questions:
Do I need a passport to visit the U.S. Virgin Islands?:
If you are a U.S. citizen a passport is not required, but it still serves as the best identification when traveling. Otherwise, you must be prepared to show evidence of citizenship when departing the islands, such as a raised-seal birth certificate and government-issued photo ID.

If you are not a U.S. citizen, then a passport issued by your country of origin is required.

If you are not sure of your status, please contact the U.S Customs & Border Protection agency. (www.cbp.gov)

What kind of weather can I expect during my vacation?:
The U.S. Virgin Islands enjoys warm sunny weather year-round. The average winter temperature is 77ºF (25ºC), and the average summer temperature is 82ºF (28ºC).

What is the currency in the U.S. Virgin Islands?:
As a U.S. territory, the currency is the U.S. dollar. Automated teller machines (ATMs) can be found throughout all three islands. Most establishments accept credit cards and travelers checks. The most widely accepted credit cards are Visa and MasterCard.

When is the best time to visit the U.S. Virgin Islands?:
The U.S. Virgin Islands is a year-round destination; however, you may find the best bargains on hotels and attractions during the summer months.

Can I travel with my pet?:
The islands are very pet-friendly. However, only a few hotels allow pets, so check with your hotel beforehand. There are no quarantine regulations, but airlines do require a health certificate from your veterinarian (certifying that shots are up to date). Most certificates are issued for a 30-day period. If your travel will extend beyond a 30-day period, you should visit one of our local veterinary offices for recertification prior to departure.

How can I stay in touch with news, work and friends and family back home?:
Radio stations, network affiliates, cable TV, satellite TV and Internet providers keep you connected with the rest of the world. Internet cafés are conveniently located around the islands where you can socialize and check your inbox. If you travel with your cell phone, most carriers do have signals in the USVI. Remember your earpiece; it is illegal to drive while speaking on your cell phone.

Can I drive in the U.S. Virgin Islands?:
We drive on the left side of the road. A valid U.S. or foreign license is accepted. Seatbelts are required by law, and it is illegal to drive while speaking on your cell phone.

Do I need to bring an adapter for my electronics?:
Standard 120-volt current is used in the U.S. Virgin Islands. No adapters are required.

Are there health facilities in the U.S. Virgin Islands?:
Very good hospitals with well-trained doctors and medical professionals are available on St. Croix and St. Thomas. The Governor Juan F. Luis Hospital on St. Croix and the Roy Lester Schneider Hospital on St. Thomas are both centrally located. The Myrah Keating Smith clinic on St. John is available for patient care. If extensive medical care is needed, patients are transferred by medical boat to St. Thomas. Medical evacuation services are also available.

What language is spoken in the U.S. Virgin Islands?:
English is the official language, but you can definitely detect the sound of colorful dialects and expressions that may take time to get accustomed to. Spanish is also commonly spoken.

What is the time zone?:
Atlantic Standard Time. During the spring and summer months we are on the same time as the U.S. East Coast. When the clocks fall back in the autumn and winter, the USVI remains an hour ahead.

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