laws.gov.ag Online Search Engine Antigua & Barbuda : Ministry of Legal Affairs

Organization : Ministry of Legal Affairs
Type of Facility : Laws Online Search Engine
Country: Antigua & Barbuda

Website : http://laws.gov.ag/

Laws Online Search Engine :

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Related : Online Search Antigua & Barbuda : www.statusin.org/8195.html

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Search Here : http://www.laws.gov.ag/search/index.php

Laws or Acts of Parliament:
Abolition of Minimum Punishments Act:
1. This Act may be cited as the Abolition of Minimum short title. Punishments Act.

2. It shall be lawful for any Judge of the Supreme Jseundtgeen, cein, mpaasys ing Court, when passing sentence upon any person convicted prescribed under any Act which prescribes for the offence of which such minimum penalties. person has been convicted a minimum term of imprisonment or a minimum’fine, notwithstanding any enactment to the contrary, to reduce the prescribed term of imprisonment, and, in case of a fine, to reduce the prescribed amount thereof, and to sentence such person to such less term of imprisonment, or to pay such less fine, as to the presiding Judge shall appear right.

Introduction :
This Website contains the full text of the Bills currently before the Parliament of Antigua and Barbuda and the Laws or Acts already passed and currently enforced.
For more details, see How a Bill becomes Law

All Bills and Acts are displayed in Adobe Acrobat format. Most Bills are loosely formatted, while all Acts or Laws are formatted by the Government Printery. Click on the image below to download the Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Adobe Acrobat Get Adobe Acrobat Now
The Bills on this website are printable, while the Acts or Laws are not. They have been enlarged for easier reading, but you are able to reduce or enlarge the size via the Adobe

Acrobat Reader application.
Printed copies of the Acts or Laws may be purchased from the Government Printery.

Contact Ministry of Legal Affairs:
Address: Government Complex,
Queen Elizabeth Highway,
St. John’s,

Telephone: (268) 462-0017/19
Fax: (268) 462-2465
Email: legalaffairs AT ab.gov.ag

Tags: laws.gov.ag
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