Warrant Declaration Search & Submission Antigua & Barbuda : Customs Automated Services Online

Organization : Customs Automated Services Online (CASE)
Type of Facility : Warrant Declaration Search & Submission
Country: Antigua & Barbuda

Website :

Warrant Declaration Search & Submission :

Please authenticate by entering your login and password.

Related : Citizenship By Investment Program Apply For Police Certificate Antigua & Barbuda :

Enter your user id & password and press ‘enter’ or click ‘log-in’ button to access the system

Login Here :

New Account Registration:
To gain access to CASE System, please contact:
Antigua & Barbuda Customs IT Section
Customs & Excise Head Quarters
Church Street, St Johns.
Tel : (268) 462-9624 or (268) 462-9625

Why am I being asked for my password?:
Some CASE services, such as Warrant Declaration Submission and Warrant Declaration Search, require you to periodically enter your password even though you are already signed in. We do this to protect your personal information.

For your security, we will always prompt you for your password when accessing sensitive personal information, like Account Info.

CASE does not require any additional hardware or software investment, however there are some minimum system requirements.

Operating System: Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista
Processor: 486DX2/66 or Faster (i.e. Intel Pentium, AMD K6 or K7)
Memory: At least 32MB (Windows 98), 64MB (Windows 2000/ME/XP/Vista)
Hard Drive Space: 25-100 MB Free Space

Connection Speed:
If you are using a modem to access CASE you should have a modem capable of at least 28.8 Kbs. Modems that are capable of higher rates (33.6 Kbps or 56 Kbps) are recommended for better performance.

Supported Web Browsers:
CASE is designed to support Netscape Navigator/Communicator Versions 6.0 or higher, and Microsoft Internet Explorer Versions 5.0 or higher. Use of other versions or browsers may not be supported.

System Support:
If the system does not appear to function, then contact:
Antigua & Barbuda Customs IT Section
Customs & Excise Head Quarters
Church Street, St Johns.
Tel : (268) 462-9624 or (268) 462-9625

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