apua.ag Apply For/ Transferring Service Antigua & Barbuda : Public Utilities Authorities

Organization : Antigua Public Utilities Authorities
Type of Facility : Apply For/ Transferring Service
Country: Antigua & Barbuda

Website : http://www.apua.ag/

Apply For Transferring Service :

Applying for a new service is simple. Pick up a form at the APUA Business Center on the corner of High St & Independence Ave. or the South Mall in Jennings, or download the appropriate form from our Forms section.

Related : Public Utilities Authorities Online Billing & Payment Antigua & Barbuda : www.statusin.org/8202.html

When applying for a new or temporary water or electricity service an application form must be completed, approved and stamped by the DCA before submitting it to APUA. Please note that four (4) copies of the electricity form and three (3) copies of the water form must be presented along with a valid photo ID and a copy of a utility bill if you had a previous service.

Your application can be made at the Customer Service Department in APUA Business Center on the corner of High St & Independence Ave. or the South Mall in Jennings between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm.

For further information you can call:
(268) 480-7783
(268) 480-7654
(268) 480-7138

Transferring a service:
Transferring a service is a simple procedure which only requires that you present proof of ownership for the service:
Owners should….
1. Visit the Customer Service department at the APUA Business Centre on the corner of High Street & Independence Ave or the South Mall in Jennings.
2. If service is disconnected a $50.00 reconnection fee will be charged.
3. Fill out a form
4. Return the form

If you are renting, the following applies:
1. Visit the Customer Service department at the APUA Business Centre on the corner of High Street & Independence Ave or the South Mall in Jennings.
2. Pay a deposit of $1000.00 ($700 for Electricity $300 for Water) which will be returned to you upon completion of transfer, if service is disconnected a $50.00 reconnection fee will be charged.
3. Fill out form and have it signed by the land lord giving you the authority to transfer the service.
4. Return the form

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Residential Accounts are disconnected if they are left delinquent for a period of 60 days, and Commercial Accounts after a period of 30 days. You will be sufficiently warned of any pending disconnections.

In the event that you are disconnected, in addition to paying the outstanding balance, you will be required to pay a reconnection fee of $50.00 for electricity or water bills, or $57.50 for telephone, inet and imobile.

After this step you must take proof of payment to a Customer Service Representative or a Credit Control Clerk to be reconnected.

Service restoration will occur within 48 hours of reconnecting your service.

At APUA, we prefer to connect, not disconnect.

Terminating A Service:
Customers may wish to terminate an existing account for a number of reasons such as moving to a new location or leaving for a vacation.

Termination of an existing Electricity or Water Account is free and can be done by speaking to a customer services representative and requesting a termination of account (make sure you have valid identification). A final reading will be requested after which your account will be terminated within 2 days.

Termination of an existing Telephone Account is free and can be done by speaking to a customer service representative, upon which you will be given a form to be filled out. After you have submitted the form, processing will take an addition 2 days before your account is terminated.

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