Employee/ Employer Registration Antigua & Barbuda : Social Security Board

Organization : Antigua & Barbuda Social Security Board
Type of Facility : Employee/ Employer Registration
Country: Antigua & Barbuda

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Here you can find a wealth of answers to questions related to the registration process.

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When and how can I join the Antigua & Barbuda Social Security Board?:
Every person is required to be registered at the Social Security Office before taking up employment in Antigua and Barbuda. Before you are registered, you must present proof of your correct name and date of birth.

If you were born in Antigua & Barbuda, you are to submit a valid passport or a birth certificate with a photo I.D(driver’s license or voter’s I.D. If you are a citizen by naturalization, you must present your Antiguan passport; otherwise, present your passport and a work permit in respect of the employer with whom you are to be employed and who is registered under the scheme.

What are some of the information on the Registration Card?:
Upon registration, you will be given a Social Security registration card which will bear your full name, date of birth, gender, registration number, photo, signature and the expiration date of the card. It is important that you keep your card in a safe place, since the same registration number will be used throughout your life.

Why do I need a Registration Card?:
Each time you take up new employment, you should present your registration card to the employer who will take the relevant information and return the card to you. This is absolutely necessary so that your contributions can be credited to the correct account, and up-to-date information is available for the prompt payment of benefits.

What should I do if my name or my marital status changes?:
Whenever there is a change of name or status because of marriage, divorce, or other circumstances, you should promptly submit your registration card and the relevant documents to support the changes that must be made to the Social Security Office.

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Here you can find answers to common questions related to contributions payable to the Social Security Board.

Who must pay contributions?:
Every employed person who is sixteen years of age or over and under sixty years of age and is working on a temporary, part-time or full-time basis is required to pay contributions. If you are a student and satisfy the above criteria, then you should pay contributions as well.

What are the rates for contributions?:
All employers are required to pay 6% of the earnings of each employee. A deduction of 4% may be made from the earnings of employees of private sector or 3% from the earnings of employees within the public sector. Self-employed persons are required to pay the full 10%. Deductions are made up to a maximum of $1,500 weekly, $6,500 monthly or 3,000 fortnightly.

Who is responsible for paying the contributions to the Social Security Office?:
The law makes the employer responsible for paying the total contributions to the Social Security Office within 14 days after the end of each month. Further, the Social Security Act & Regulations gives the employer the authority to deduct the employee’s share of the contributions before the earnings are paid to the employee.

What do you mean by Employee’s earnings?:
For the purpose of Social Security, ‘employee’s earnings’ includes basic salary or wage plus overtime, cost of living bonus or allowance, family allowance, long service or incentive pay, commission or profit on sales, gratuities paid by employer, payments for night or shift work, production bonus, danger or dirt money or similar payments, service charge, any employee’s liabilities (including tax) paid for him by the employer, holiday pay and vacation pay.

What should I know about contributions?:
Your contribution account will be credited with one contribution for each week or part of a week that you work. This means that if you work a full year, the record will show 52 contributions at a particular time to be entitled to the benefit. Therefore, you should make sure that your employer deducts your contributions.

What happens if an employee has more than one employer?:
If an employee has more than one employment, each employment is treated separately. Therefore, each employer should deduct the contribution from the employee’s earnings. However, if the total contribution paid is over the maximum, the employee can apply to the Social Security Board at the end of the year for a refund of contributions.

What are some of the agreements that Social Security has with other countries?:
The Antigua and Barbuda Social Security Board has entered into reciprocal agreements with certain countries. Under these agreements person who work in either or both countries can apply for benefit in the country of residence using both sets of contributions to qualify for the payment of benefits. Check with the Social Security Office to find out which countries are included.

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