fsmgov.org Financial Assistance Application Federated States of Micronesia : Department of Education

Organization : Department of Education
Type of Facility : Financial Assistance Application
Country: Federated States of Micronesia

Website : https://www.fsmgov.org/
Download Form : https://www.statusin.org/uploads/8213-scholar3.pdf

FSM Financial Assistance Application

Fill in all the parts of this application and if any item would require additional spaces, simply refer to Item Part G which is provided for such responses requiring extra spaces.

Related : Department of Justice – Division of Immigration & Labor FSM Passport Application Federated States of Micronesia : www.statusin.org/8211.html

Provide all necessary documents, as herein requested and/or required, and make sure before signing the application that all items, inquires and attachments are provided. Use typewriter or black ink pen to write in this application (or use computer with scanner capabilities). Please write legibly and clearly to avoid unnecessary delays.

Submit the completed application directly to:
Chairman, National
Scholarship Committee,
Department of Education,
P.O. Box PS 87,
Palikir Station,
Pohnpei, FM 96941.

If there is any question or if assistance is needed in filling out this form, simply call the Postsecondary and Student Services Division at (691) 320-2609/2647, or come by the department at Palikir Site. Late and/or incomplete applications will not be considered.

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Educational Goal:
Describe your educational goals or ambitions, including what you aim to achieve through your degree of studies and how you think this will impact your community. Be concise and indicate whether you plan to the FSM immediately following your graduation or not. Use additional sheet if necessary. If you are applying for the Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship, your response in this part will be graded on a scale of 1 to 10 points.

I hereby certify that I am eligible to apply for the scholarship herein indicated and that the information and support documents herewith provided are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belie.

Full listing of Treaties/Conventions :
Please note: The following page lists multilateral treaties and conventions which the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) has signed or is a party to. The page only includes those treaties and conventions which are registered with the United Nations and does not include bilateral agreements (= agreements between two states).

The page does not contain any information on the listed treaties/conventions. If you do look for such information, please consult the appropriate search engines on the world wide web. The Government of the FSM does not guarantee the accuracy or comprehensiveness of the information on the page.

The first item listed is the name of the respective treaty/convention (or protocol thereto). The second item lists action in respect to the Federated States of Micronesia (Signature, Accession, Acceptance, Ratification, etc). If a link is offered, it will show the relevant document of the treaty action.

If a date is specified under Signature, then it refers to the day at which the FSM has signed the treaty/convention. All other dates listed refer to the entry into force for the FSM (the day since when the treaty/convention has become binding for the FSM). This date is different from the date on the relevant documents.

Contact Address :
Department of Foreign Affairs
Hon. Mr. Lorin Robert
Secretary of Foreign Affairs
Hon. Mr. Samson Pretrick
Deputy Secretary of Foreign Affairs
PS123, Palikir, Pohnpei State, FM 96941
Phone: 320-2641/2613
Fax: 320-2933
E-mail: foreignaffairs AT mail.fm

Tags: fsmgov.org
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